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Chapter 19. Miscellaneous

The miscellaneous chapter contains commands that don't really fit into the other sections of this guide.


To rename all of the files in the current directory with a '.htm' extension to '.html', type:

$ chcase -x 's/htm/html/' '*.htm'

You can get a copy of the chcase perl script here.

For more complex renaming you should read Section 7.3


Use rel to analyze text files for relevance to a given set of keywords. It outputs the names of those files that are relevant to the given keywords, ranked in order of relevance; if a file does not meet the criteria, it is not outputted in the relevance listing.


There is a man page, part of the Linux Programmers Manual called “units”. It displays various information on the various scientific measurements (such as mega, giga et cetera). This manual page also has a short discussion about the argument over which standard should be used to measure data (ie. the kibibyte vs kilobyte).

To access this man page type:

man 7 units

fortune is a tool which will print a random, hopefully interesting quote or entertaining short piece of writing. There are options to customise which area the epigrams should come from. Just type fortune to get a random epigram from any section.

Simply type:




This information information comes from the Linux Cookbook (without editing). See [3] in the Bibliography for further information.