Chapter 12. Command Substitution
substitution reassigns the output of a command
or even multiple commands; it literally plugs the command
output into another context.
The classic form of command
substitution uses
(`...`). Commands within backquotes (backticks) generate
command-line text.
script_name=`basename $0`
echo "The name of this script is $script_name." |
rm `cat filename` # "filename" contains a list of files to delete.
# S. C. points out that "arg list too long" error might result.
# Better is xargs rm -- < filename
# ( -- covers those cases where "filename" begins with a "-" )
textfile_listing=`ls *.txt`
# Variable contains names of all *.txt files in current working directory.
echo $textfile_listing
textfile_listing2=$(ls *.txt) # The alternative form of command substitution.
echo $textfile_listing2
# Same result.
# A possible problem with putting a list of files into a single string
# is that a newline may creep in.
# A safer way to assign a list of files to a parameter is with an array.
# shopt -s nullglob # If no match, filename expands to nothing.
# textfile_listing=( *.txt )
# Thanks, S.C. |
 | Command substitution
invokes a subshell. |
 | Command substitution may
result in word splitting.
COMMAND `echo a b` # 2 args: a and b
COMMAND "`echo a b`" # 1 arg: "a b"
COMMAND `echo` # no arg
COMMAND "`echo`" # one empty arg
# Thanks, S.C. |
Even when there is no word splitting, command
substitution can remove trailing newlines.
# cd "`pwd`" # This should always work.
# However...
mkdir 'dir with trailing newline
cd 'dir with trailing newline
cd "`pwd`" # Error message:
# bash: cd: /tmp/file with trailing newline: No such file or directory
cd "$PWD" # Works fine.
old_tty_setting=$(stty -g) # Save old terminal setting.
echo "Hit a key "
stty -icanon -echo # Disable "canonical" mode for terminal.
# Also, disable *local* echo.
key=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null) # Using 'dd' to get a keypress.
stty "$old_tty_setting" # Restore old setting.
echo "You hit ${#key} key." # ${#variable} = number of characters in $variable
# Hit any key except RETURN, and the output is "You hit 1 key."
# Hit RETURN, and it's "You hit 0 key."
# The newline gets eaten in the command substitution.
#Code snippet by StИphane Chazelas. |
 | Using echo to output an
unquoted variable set with command
substitution removes trailing newlines characters from
the output of the reassigned command(s). This can cause
unpleasant surprises.
dir_listing=`ls -l`
echo $dir_listing # unquoted
# Expecting a nicely ordered directory listing.
# However, what you get is:
# total 3 -rw-rw-r-- 1 bozo bozo 30 May 13 17:15 1.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 bozo
# bozo 51 May 15 20:57 -rwxr-xr-x 1 bozo bozo 217 Mar 5 21:13
# The newlines disappeared.
echo "$dir_listing" # quoted
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 bozo 30 May 13 17:15 1.txt
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 bozo 51 May 15 20:57
# -rwxr-xr-x 1 bozo 217 Mar 5 21:13 |
Command substitution even permits setting a variable to the
contents of a file, using either redirection or the cat command.
variable1=`<file1` # Set "variable1" to contents of "file1".
variable2=`cat file2` # Set "variable2" to contents of "file2".
# This, however, forks a new process,
#+ so the line of code executes slower than the above version.
# Note that the variables may contain embedded whitespace,
#+ or even (horrors), control characters.
# It is not necessary to explicitly assign a variable.
echo "` <$0`" # Echoes the script itself to stdout. |
# Excerpts from system file, /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
#+ (on a Red Hat Linux installation)
if [ -f /fsckoptions ]; then
fsckoptions=`cat /fsckoptions`
if [ -e "/proc/ide/${disk[$device]}/media" ] ; then
hdmedia=`cat /proc/ide/${disk[$device]}/media`
if [ ! -n "`uname -r | grep -- "-"`" ]; then
ktag="`cat /proc/version`"
if [ $usb = "1" ]; then
sleep 5
mouseoutput=`cat /proc/bus/usb/devices 2>/dev/null|grep -E "^I.*Cls=03.*Prot=02"`
kbdoutput=`cat /proc/bus/usb/devices 2>/dev/null|grep -E "^I.*Cls=03.*Prot=01"`
fi |
 | Do not set a variable to the contents of a
long text file unless you have a very good
reason for doing so. Do not set a variable to the contents of a
binary file, even as a joke. Example 12-1. Stupid script tricks #!/bin/bash
# Don't try this at home, folks.
# From "Stupid Script Tricks," Volume I.
dangerous_variable=`cat /boot/vmlinuz` # The compressed Linux kernel itself.
echo "string-length of \$dangerous_variable = ${#dangerous_variable}"
# string-length of $dangerous_variable = 794151
# (Does not give same count as 'wc -c /boot/vmlinuz'.)
# echo "$dangerous_variable"
# Don't try this! It would hang the script.
# The document author is aware of no useful applications for
#+ setting a variable to the contents of a binary file.
exit 0 |
Notice that a buffer overrun
does not occur. This is one instance where an interpreted
language, such as Bash, provides more protection from
programmer mistakes than a compiled language. |
Command substitution permits setting a variable to the
output of a loop. The
key to this is grabbing the output of an echo command within the
Example 12-2. Generating a variable from a loop
# Setting a variable to the output of a loop.
variable1=`for i in 1 2 3 4 5
echo -n "$i" # The 'echo' command is critical
done` #+ to command substitution here.
echo "variable1 = $variable1" # variable1 = 12345
variable2=`while [ "$i" -lt 10 ]
echo -n "$i" # Again, the necessary 'echo'.
let "i += 1" # Increment.
echo "variable2 = $variable2" # variable2 = 0123456789
# Demonstrates that it's possible to embed a loop
#+ within a variable declaration.
exit 0 |
 | The $(...)
form has superseded backticks for command
substitution. output=$(sed -n /"$1"/p $file) # From "" example.
# Setting a variable to the contents of a text file.
File_contents1=$(cat $file1)
File_contents2=$(<$file2) # Bash permits this also. |
The $(...) form of command substitution
treats a double backslash in a different way than
bash$ echo `echo \\`
bash$ echo $(echo \\)
The $(...) form of command
substitution permits nesting.
word_count=$( wc -w $(echo * | awk '{print $8}') ) |
Or, for something a bit more elaborate . . . Example 12-3. Finding anagrams #!/bin/bash
# Example of nested command substitution.
# Uses "anagram" utility
#+ that is part of the author's "yawl" word list package.
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Usage $0 LETTERSET"
exit $E_NOARGS # Script needs a command-line argument.
elif [ ${#1} -lt $MINLEN ]
echo "Argument must have at least $MINLEN letters."
exit $E_BADARG
FILTER='.......' # Must have at least 7 letters.
# 1234567
Anagrams=( $(echo $(anagram $1 | grep $FILTER) ) )
# $( $( nested command sub. ) )
# ( array assignment )
echo "${#Anagrams[*]} 7+ letter anagrams found"
echo ${Anagrams[0]} # First anagram.
echo ${Anagrams[1]} # Second anagram.
# Etc.
# echo "${Anagrams[*]}" # To list all the anagrams in a single line . . .
# Look ahead to the "Arrays" chapter for enlightenment on
#+ what's going on here.
# See also the script for an example of anagram finding.
exit $? |
Examples of command substitution in shell scripts:
Example 11-7
Example 11-26
Example 9-16
Example 16-3
Example 16-22
Example 16-17
Example 16-54
Example 11-13
Example 11-10
Example 16-32
Example 20-8
Example A-16
Example 29-3
Example 16-47
Example 16-48
Example 16-49