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Книги по Linux (с отзывами читателей)

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1. About the Author

People like either laptops or desktops. I like to work with laptops rather than with desktops. I like Linux too. My first HOWTO was the Linux-Infrared-HOWTO about infrared support for Linux. My second is this one and my third the Linux-Ecology-HOWTO , about some ways to use Linux in an ecology aware manner.

Also I have written some pages about Linux with all the laptops I had a chance to put Linux on. You may find them at TuxMobil Linux Laptop and Notebook Survey.

During the work with the Linux-Mobile-Guide I have also collected some surveys about laptop related hardware: graphics chips , unofficially supported PCMCIA cards , internal modems , infrared chips and other hardware.

In May 2000 I have founded the German vendor Xtops.DE: Linux, Laptops, Notebooks, PDAs pre-installed, to sponsor the TuxMobil project.