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4 Challenges of Student Essay Writing and How to Overcome Them

Essay writing is something we all encounter throughout our life. Whether we need it for a school assignment, a job application or an essay writing contents, we all do it at some point. However, students in high schools and colleges write essays on a regular basis, throughout the entire school year. This is exactly why they face certain problems and challenges in this department.

When essay writing is a regular part of your student agenda, you’re definitely going to struggle with it at some point. You can’t be on top of your game at all times and that’s why you’ll face problems. But, don’t worry. We’re here to help you power through the most common essay writing issues you might be dealing with.

Take a look at the 4 challenges students face when writing essays and how to overcome them.

source: Pixabay

Author’s block

Author’s block, also known as lack of inspiration, is a common issue all essay writers experience. It’s that feeling of simply not being able to produce inspiring, interesting or quality written work.

So, how can you overcome this? Try following these simple steps:

  • find the cause
    There’s a good chance your author’s block is the result of a different kind of a problem. When something is bugging you on the inside, you’re unable to feel creative and motivated.
  • This is why you need to dig deep and find what’s causing you to be so unenthusiastic. If you manage to eliminate the cause, you’ll be feeling inspired again.

  • snap out of it
    When there’s a deadline hanging over your head and you have no time to lose, you need something to get you back in the game quickly. Try some of the following tricks, which will get your blood running and your brain working:
  • go for a run
  • take a nap
  • eat your favorite candy
  • dance to loud music
  • do something you truly enjoy for half an hour

Once you give yourself a treat, you’ll be feeling better and ready to kill that essay assignment.

Sneaky Mistakes

Writing is a creative process and something you should while feeling inspired and driven by positive energy. For those who truly enjoy writing, the worst part of the whole process is the proofreading.

Yes, we agree proofreading can be a bit boring but it’s absolutely essential if you want your essay to be well-written and positively graded.

Here are some of the easiest ways to proofread your essays and get it over with:

  • writing tools
  • Luckily for you, you have a ton of online writing tools which are there to help you proofread your essays and turn it into a mistake-free piece of writing. Make sure to check out Grammarly and other similar tools to find the mistakes and see how to correct them.

  • writing services
  • If you want someone else to proofread the whole thing for you, check out Get Academic Help. They can proofread your essays and send them back completely mistake-free.

    Naturally, you can proofread your own essays, but if you’re not feeling like doing it you probably won’t do a very good job. Therefore, try one of the other options and see where that takes you.

    Meeting the Deadline

    Deadlines are students’ worst enemies. They put on so much pressure on the students and never make anything easier.

    However, we believe it’s all about the perspective.

    If you’re having trouble to meet the deadline, here’s what we suggest:

    • once you get the essays assignment, brainstorm some ideas immediately
    • write down the deadline
    • make a writing schedule: time for the research phase, the first draft, and the final version
    • stick to your schedule

    If you have your own writing program, designed according to your pace of writing, you’ll find it so much easier to actually meet the deadline.

    Even though this implies a bit more effort and time, it’s still better than waiting until the last moment and frantically writing the whole night.


    Essay writing requires a certain level of vocabulary skills and for those who lack them, it might be a problem.

    Finding the right words and using them at the right moment is not an easy task for everyone. However, with a little practice and the right tools, you can overcome this barrier. We suggest:

    • using Thesaurus
    • using dictionaries
    • reading books
    • watching documentaries and academic TV shows

    This will help you enrich your vocabulary and become a better essay writer.


    There’s a solution for every problem you may encounter. Although essay writing is a demanding task, you just need to be focused and ready to work on it.

    Use the advice we gave you and eliminate these writing challenges one by one. In time, you’ll manage to avoid these problems before they even appear.