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Образовательные программы и учебное ПО

Естественно, большинство программ - на английском или других иностранных языках. Однако в силу их простоты, большинство из них вполне можно использовать, если не по прямому назначению, то, как минимум, для обучения иностранным языкам (например, игры по образованию слов из отдельных букв).
Развивающие программы и игры для детей
   (для детей дошкольного возраста, для школьников, простой графический редактор)
Программы для учащихся средней школы
   (астрономия, биология, зоология, география, математика, музыка, иностранные языки, история, литература, физика, химия)
   (клавиатурные тренажеры, код Морзе)

  • SchoolForge - сайт, посвященный применению открытого ПО в образовании.
  • Seul / EDU - каталог открытого образовательного ПО.
  • happypenguin.org
  • Linux4kids: Educational Linux Software
  • Развивающие программы и игры для детей дошкольного и школьного возраста

    Программы для обучения детей дошкольного возраста Что почитать?
  • Childsplay набор образовательных игр и программ для детей, подобный gcompris (GNU Public License)
  • GCompris - набор образовательных игр и программ для детей от 3-х лет. На данный момент GCompris предлагает около 80 игр и ещё больше в разработке. Включает игры по обучению использования клавиатуры и мыши, изучению букв алфавита, цифр, слов, часов, основам алгебаических знаний. GCompris открытая программа и это подразумевает, что вы можете принять участие в её разработке. (GPL)
  • Kavlon Coloring Book Программа-раскраска. Пользователь выбирает картинку и раскрашивает ее выбирая цвет из палитры. (GNU Public License)
  • KLettres Цель игры - научить детей (в возрасте от 2 до 6 лет) французскому алфавиту и узнаванию простых звуков. Помогает освоить клавиатуру. Игра имеет 4 уровня. ( GPL)
  • Linux Letters and Numbers - обучающая игра для детей от 2 лет. Для освоения букв, цифр, произношения на основе использования интересных картинок. ( GPL)
  • Matritsa нужно расположить картинки на столе в соответствии с их свойствами. ( GPL)
  • Multiplication Station обучение сложению, вычитанию, умножению и делению. (GNU Public License)
  • PySyCache обучающая программа для детей в возрасте 4-7 лет. Цель - научить работать с мышью путем выполнения занимательных заданий (раскрыть картинки, выбрать фото, провести животное к его дому). (GNU Public License)
  • Skill Literature Цель игры (для детей от 4 до 10 лет) - научить работать с образами. Выиграть можно только при понимании сути, а не за счет скорости. (GPL)
  • Sticker Book - размещаем изображения разных предметов на каком-либо фоне. Предметы можно изменять в размере, ориентировать в пространстве, раскрашивать. (GPL)
  • The Linux Memory Game - игра для детей от 3 лет, основанная на карточной игре "Memory". Имеет 5 уровней сложности, причем пятый уровень непрост даже для взрослых. Может использоваться при обучении инстранному языку, для развития ассоциативного мышления. (лицензия не указана, вероятно GPL)
  • TurboFarm Это простая образовательная игра о домашних животных, основанная на карточках с картинками и текстом. Имеются варианты на трех языках: English, River Plate Spanish и Italian. Можно самостоятельно добавлять новые языки и как угодно изменять список животных. (Public Domain)
  • Развивающие игры для школьников Что почитать?
  • Anagramarama - свободная словарная игра для Linux, Windows и BeOS. Цель - составить как можно больше слов в заданое время. (GNU Public License)
  • Asymptopia Blackjack Карточная игра Blackjack, написанная на Python/PyGame. Учит детей счету. (GNU Public License)
  • CubeTest Игра для школьников младших классов. Развивает пространственное воображение.
    Most people know the type of question: a cube is shown together with four alternatives. The objective is to point out the cube that is identical to the one shown. The cubes from which you can choose are oriented differently from the first cube and one has to turn the cubes mentally in order to decide which ones are the same.
    These question are a great way of improving your spatial insight. This is a valuable asset in many technical areas. In adition it's just plain fun to answer these questions and no matter how often you practice, they never become really easy. (GNU Public License)
  • DroidQuest новая реализация классической обучающей игры "Robot Odyssey I". Учит основам логического программирования. (Freeware)
  • Kalcul - игра для детей от 8 до 15 лет, помогающая улучшить их математические знания. ( GPL)
  • KHangMan Игра для детей от 6 лет. Отгадываем слова по буквам, одна за другой. Нужно отгадать слово раньше, чем на экране появится палач ("hangman"). (GPL)
  • LeoCAD Игра-конструктор, в которой надо собрать что-то из отдельных "кирпичиков". Что-то вроде компьютерного конструктора Lego. (freeware)
  • Pizza Business is a game written in object-oriented C++ in which you start and control pizza restaurants, limited to a budget. The game is being targeted for multiple platforms including Windows and Linux. (GNU Public License)
  • Programs for kids Dov Grobgeld has created some early education programs using the GNOME canvas widget. (unclear; freely downloadable)
  • RealTimeBattle is a programming game, in which robots controlled by programs are fighting each other. The goal is to destroy the enemies, using the radar to examine the environment and the cannon to shoot. ( GPL)
  • Simutrans is a transport and economical simulation game. There are versions for Linux, BeOS and Windows available. Simutrans has not yet reached production state, but it is quite possible to build big transport networks between the industries and cities. The player can create bus and rail connections and transport passengers, mail and goods in and between cities and industries. Even passenger ferries and oil tankers are included in the game. Goods are produced by industries from raw materials, sometimes over many steps of intermediate products. I.e. coal and iron ore are needed to produce steel in a steel mill. Oil may be transformed to plastics in a refinery. Plastics and steel are used to build cars by the car industry. Finally the cars are sold in the cities. Now they need gas to run, which also will be produced at the refinery. (Freeware)
  • "The Neverending Tale" is a web-based text adventure game for kids. It is essentially a choose-your-own-adventure book where all pages are contributed by prior readers. Implemented in perl and C. Working beta; public version has 50,000 active pages. (Public Domain)
  • Tickletux Hangman's a Hangman game written in TCL/Tk and features skinability, which allows everything from the background and Hangman images to the word list to be edited. ( GPL)
  • Tux Math Scrabble is a math version of the popular board game for education. The game challenges young people to construct compound equations and consider multiple abstract possibilities. There are four skill levels for practice, from basic addition and subtraction through multiplication and division. Version 3.0 is based on the EduApp Learning Resesarch Framework. The application records a host of numeric information about each users' interactive session for analysis and assessment. (GNU Public License)
  • TuxWordSmith 0.3 is Word Scrabble ala TuxMathScrabble. There are both "auto" and interactive modes. It uses dictionaries provided by the XDXF project. Current languages are: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Latin and Swahili. Even if you don't like Scrabble, the screensaver mode is a good way to improve your vocabulary, or learn new words in another language. For example, if you select the English-French dictionary, then for every word submitted the definition will be printed to the Heads-Up-Display (HUD), in this case the definition would be in French. (GNU Public License)
  • Простой графический редактор Что почитать?
  • Gestalter is a free vector drawing program. The user interface is loosly modelled after the famous Illustrator (tm) by Adobe. The central element is the Bezier curve used as a base part for almost every other object. Complex paths are possible, compound paths can be constructed, grouping of elements is enabled and everything can be screened by a mask. The object model is multi-layered (though the user interface for editing layers is not implemented yet). (GNU Public License)
  • Gpaint is a simple, easy-to-use paint program for GNOME, the GNU Desktop. Gpaint starts as a port of xpaint and takes advantages of features unique to the GNOME environment.
  • Graphtool (разработка прекращена в 2003).
  • ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as an online applet or as a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.1 or later virtual machine. It can calculate area and pixel value statistics of user-defined selections. For instance, it can measure the number of stars, or galaxies in a photo, or measure the area in a picture of a cell or a forest. It can measure distances and angles. It can create density histograms and line profile plots. It supports standard image processing functions such as contrast manipulation, sharpening, smoothing, edge detection and median filtering. (Public Domain)
  • Superficie (surface) is a small program that allows to visualize 3D surfaces, and to have certain interaction with them. It allows to rotate, to move away, to show illumination, etc. on the surface at issue. ( GPL)
  • Tux Paint простая в использовании программа для рисования, ориентированная на детей от 3 до 12 лет. Имеет простой и привлекательный интерфейс, а также звуковые эффекты. Переведена более чем на 45 языков. (GNU Public License)
  • Программы для учащихся средней школы

    Астрономия Что почитать?
  • Astronomia It is a cross-platform astronomical software, with plug-ins support. A object-oriented library for astronomy and a graphic interface. C++, python for the plug-ins, graphical tools-kit is wxWindows. (GNU Public License)
  • Celestia Программа, позволяющая путешествовать по вселенной и исследовать планеты и звезды в режиме реального времени.
    Celestia is an OpenGL-based 3D space simulation for Unix and Win32 that lets you travel through the solar system, to the stars, and even beyond the galaxy. Visit over 100,000 stars, 100 solar system bodies, and all known extrasolar planets. (GNU Public License)
  • ESO-MIDAS (European Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System) Мощный пакет обработки астрономических изображений. Лицензия: GPL.
  • KStars Планетарий для Linux/KDE. Позволяет заглянуть в самые дальние уголки Вселенной. При подключении к интернет, можно скачать качественные фотографии объектов из архивов лучших мировых обсерваторий. It provides an accurate graphical representation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. KStars is Free Software, it is released under the GPL.
  • Mars Simulation Project The Mars Simulation Project is an open source Java project to create a simulation of a future human settlement on the planet Mars. ( GPL)
  • NEMO is an extendible Stellar Dynamics Toolbox, following the Open-Source Software model. It has various programs to create, integrate, analyze and visualize N-body and SPH like systems, following the pipe and filter architecture. In addition there are various tools to operate on images, tables and orbits, including FITS files to export/import to/from other astronomical data reduction packages. A large growing fraction of NEMO has been contributed by a growing list of authors. The source code consist of a little under 1000 files and 150,000 lines of code, mostly C, and some C++ and Fortran. We also advertise other software packages , which work on similar problems. (GNU Public License)
  • Nightfall Астрономическое приложение для забавы, обучения и науки. Лицензия: GPL.
    Nightfall is an interactive application to simulate eclipsing binary stars, and to produce animated views, synthetic lightcurves and more. Takes into account the non-spherical shape of close binary stars, mutual reflection, and some other effects. Comes with documentation, on-line help, and lots of observational data of real binary stars. Supports the Gnome desktop, but doesn't require it. ( GPL)
  • Open Universe Программа, позволяющая путешествовать по солнечной системе и исследовать планеты и звезды в режиме реального времени. Вы можете видеть планеты, спутники, космические корабли, следовать по их маршрутам, и даже управлять ими. ( GPL)
  • OrbitViewer is an interactive applet that displays the orbit of small bodies (comets or asteroids) in the solar system in 3D. The orbit may be played forwards or backwards like a movie. (GPL)
  • partiview is a program that enables you to visualize and animate particle data. partiview runs on relatively simple desktops and laptops, but is mostly compatible with its big brother VirDir. (Illinois Open Source License)
  • Planetizer is a Java API for orbital mechanics of the Solar System. It comprises a set of robust, lightweight, yet extensible classes for the calculation of the positions of the planets and the Moon as a function of time. The Planetizer jar file can be included in any Java application as an orbital dynamics engine for Solar System positions. (GNU Public License)
  • Planetarium Planetarium, in which you can see all of the bright stars, and planets.
  • PP3 creates celestial charts. It generates resolution-independent maps of very high graphical quality. They can be used, for example, as illustrations in books or on Web pages. It is possible to change many parameters, and arbitrary text can be placed on the maps. The output formats are EPS or PDF. (MIT License)
  • Qastrocam is a capture program that can work with any video4linux device. Its main purpose is to do astrophotography. It can control a telescope to do guiding with the images received from the video device. It can also control the extended features of a webcam modified to do long exposure (several seconds) captures. (GNU Public License)
  • SpaceChart is a program that allows you to see the stars in glorious 3D and rotate them to see them from any point of view. You can also limit which stars you want to see, according to their spectral class and luminosity, and draw links between all stars closer than a certain distance. ( GPL)
  • StarCat is a viewer for the Bright Star, Hipparcos and Tycho star catalogs for use under Windows or Linux. The default catalog is the Bright Star Catalog with over 9000 stars. The Hipparcos catalog contains over 100,000 stars and the Tycho catalog over 1,000,000 stars. StarCat is a visualization tool for these catalogs which also gives direct access to the catalog record data for any star by pointing and clicking. ( GPL)
  • Starchart There is a sky. There are things in the sky. This program draws maps of things in the sky. The things in the sky include stars, planets, nebulae, clusters of stars, and galaxies. For thousands of years, people have grouped the stars in the sky into patterns, and constellations. More recently, the sky has been divided into areas based on these constellations. For hundreds of years, astronomers have used a latitude-longitude grid for defining the locations of celestial objects. The longitude is usually referred to as right ascension or RA, the latitude is the declination or DEC. Through the year, the sun follows a path in the sky, called the Ecliptic, which is the plane of the earth's orbit. Other planets in the solar system are roughly in this plane. This program displays all these elements on various display and printer devices. The locations of stars, nebulae, clusters, and galaxies have been tabulated for hundreds of years. This program uses computerized forms of such databases. (GNU Public License)
  • Starmap This application is capable of reading the Gliese 3.0 near star catalog and show a 3-D star map of it on the screen. You can navigate with the arrow keys, zoom, etc. (Read the README file for details) (Unknown)
  • StarPlot is a GTK-based program, written in C++, which can be used interactively to view three-dimensional perspective charts of stars. Charts can be recentered, rotated, or zoomed in or out with a mouse click (this can also, of course, be done via dialog boxes for more precision). Stars may be viewed (or ignored) by spectral class and absolute magnitude. Other features include support for both celestial and galactic coordinate systems, the ability to display extended non-stellar objects, and a pop-up Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. StarPlot is also packaged with starconvert, a utility which converts line-oriented stellar data records to StarPlot format. Most star data files available on the Internet can be converted this way if a short file describing the original file format is provided to starconvert. ( GPL)
  • Stars This is a program to display a map of the night sky. It is written purely in C and uses GTK+ widgets along with Gdk-Pixbuf. It uses Glade for the interface design. ( GPL)
  • StarSplatter is a simple program for rendering collections of particles as Gaussian "blobs". Its primary purpose is to generate images of galaxies and such from particle simulation data. (Unknown)
  • Stellarium renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It displays stars, constellations, planets, nebulas and others things like ground, landscape, fog, etc. (GNU Public License)
  • Xephem Программа настольной астрономии под Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Windows. Написана на C. Интерфейс Motif. "The accurate and reliable interactive astronomy software tool for all UNIX-like systems including Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris." ( freely downloadable)
  • xplanets This program shows a simulation of a spacecraft flying through the solar system. With the controls next to the simulation screen you can control the simulation and steer the spacecraft's flight. (GPL)
  • Xplns reproduces real starry sky on your display of X Window System. It calculates the position of many celestial objects (stars, galaxies, nebulae, constellations, planets, comets, etc.) accurately. You can enjoy the past and future sky on the desk top as if you have traveled all around the world. In solar system projection mode, you can examine motion of solar objects. ( free for non-commercial use)
  • Zetadeck Симулятор космоса. This space simulator, whose 3d engine is currently in development, wants to cover the lacks that the other space simulators have.
  • 3DPlanetarium shows the planets of solar sytem and some of their satellites, all textured and in the "right" position. There is also a Planetarium, in which you can see all of the bright stars (over 3000), and planets. You can zoom on a planet and look at it as you are using a telescope. (OpenSource)
  • Биология, зоология Что почитать?
  • LEKSBOT is an explanatory dictionary of botanic and biological terms. Currently it contains about 1500 terms but the number is growing up and will cover other sciences relative with biology (entomology, etc.) ( freeware)
  • География Что почитать?
  • GRASS is a public-domain raster-based GIS, vector GIS, image processing system, graphics production system, and spatial modeling system. ( Public Domain)
  • KGeography Простая образовательная программа для изучения географии. Доступны карты Африки, Европы целиком, Франции, Германии, Италии, Испании, Северной и Центральной Америки, Южной Америки. Лицензия: GPL.
  • MapServer is an OpenSource development environment for building spatially enabled Internet applications. MapServer is not a full-featured GIS system, nor does it aspire to be. It does, however, provide enough core functionality to support a wide variety of web applications. Beyond browsing GIS data, MapServer allows you create "geographic image maps", that is, maps that can direct users to content. ( specific to UNM; free to use and modify)
  • OpenMap BBN Technologies' OpenMapTM package is a JavaBeansTM based programmer's toolkit. Using OpenMap, you can quickly build applications and applets that access data from legacy databases and applications. OpenMapTM provides the means to allow users to see and manipulate geospatial information. ( BBN Open Source License)
  • PDFMap is a command line tool and Python library to help people create high quality maps in PDF format with clickable objects on them. It was made to create archaeological maps for some caves but you can do other things as well. (GNU Public License)
  • Practical Map Server (PMS) delivers geographic content to web browsers and other compatible clients. PMS is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. It is one of the many free services and software packages offered by ArsDigita, LLC. ( GPL)
  • Tkgeomap is a set of extensions to Tcl/Tk for displaying and interacting with geographic data...Tkgeomap is not a full featured geographical information system. For example, calculations assume the Earth is a sphere, and data is stored in internal data structures at single precision, giving a resolution of about 10 meters. This is good enough for my work (meteorology). If you need more accuracy, you should probably use a GIS, such as GRASS. All of the data in Tkgeomap is vectorized, which is to say information is stored in arrays and tables of latitudes and longitudes. It does not display or manipulate rasterized images. Hopefully, Tkgeomap will provide others with useful geographic data access and insight with minimal spin up time. ( LGPL)
  • WW2D Открытая кросс-платформенная спутниковая карта земли. Аналогична проектам Google Earth, Google Maps. Основана на wxWidgets. Платформы: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows.
  • Математика Что почитать?
  • Amaya The Amaya web browser and editor is an experimental browser that allows the inclusion of math symbols in html pages. Amaya is a complete web browsing and authoring environment and comes equipped with a "WYSIWYG style" of interface, similar to that of the most popular commercial browsers. With such an interface, users can easily generate HTML and XHTML pages, as well as CSS style sheets, MathML expressions, and SVG drawings (full support of SVG is not yet available, though). (free software W3C Copyright Statement.)
  • Asymptopia Math Crossword Builder v2.2 Update May 8, 2005: Web-application for Firefox or MSIE. Built-in automatic math problem generator with fractions, or use your own word:hint pairs. Spelling and math practice, simultaneously. A clean, simple interface for generating fancy crosswords in as few as five clicks. Use your browser's print function to print the puzzle on one side and hints on the other. (GNU Public License)
  • bc is a language that supports arbitrary precision numbers with interactive execution of statements. There are some similarities in the syntax to the C programming language. ( GPL)
  • Beysis Math editor Choose a shape, double click to paste it and create geometric problems or its solutions. You can also add some mathematical expressions (or any text, even html codes!) in geometric shapes. Copy html codes, use it or add it to your e mail. It is a javascript application. (GNU Public License)
  • Calc is an arbitrary precision arithmetic system that uses a C-like language. It's useful as a calculator, an algorithm prototype, and as a mathematical research tool. More importantly, calc provides a machine-independent means of computation. (GNU Public License)
  • Cinderella is a new tool for doing geometry on the computer. It replaces pencil, ruler, compass and paper and enables you to do exact geometric drawings with the mouse. ( commercial)
  • Citrus is a library for converting numbers with units into numbers with other units. It accomplishes this by performing dimensional analysis on the units. This allows input and output to be expressed in terms of many different units simultaneously, combined via multiplication, division, and exponentiation. ( GPL)
  • Dr. Geo is an interactive geometry program with scheme scripting facilities (GPL)
  • DrMath is an online symbolic math and computer algebra system. It can perform exact, numeric, symbolic and graphic computation, e.g. arbitrary-precision calculation, solve equation, plot data and user-defined functions, linear regression, symbolic differentation and integration, pattern-match. ( shareware)
  • EasyMaths is a mathematics program for Linux. EasyMaths has two components: a computation server, and a GTK GUI for communicating with the server. ( freely distributable)
  • Eukleides The language Eukleides provides simple and powerful com╜mandset for creating elementary euclidean geometry figures. The compiler eukleides translates a source file written in this specific language into TeX (PSTricks) macrocommands. It's useful for creating figures in both LaTeX and PostScript. (GNU Public License)
  • EULER is a program to do numerical mathematics on a computer. The program does not do symbolic things, but does all number crunching fast, interactively and reliable. It can handle real and complex numbers, vectors and matrices, can produce 2D and 3D graphics, and it has a built in programming language. Additionally, EULER can do interval arithmetic, and has an exact scalar product. If you are familiar with other matrix languages (Gauss, MatLab, Ox, Octave, etc.) you will immediately feel at home. It uses a Gtk+ interface. There is also a Windows version. (GNU Public License)
  • Fnord is a times table generator. It is pretty simple. It takes input from the user or command line (that took me forever!). It then proceeds to generate your table in the official (is it?) format of columns and rows. (Artistic License)
  • Funiter (short for function iteration) is an application developed for educational purposes as a laboratory, generating graphs of several types for iteration of real and complex functions, with comfortable switching between related types of graphs. (GNU Public License)
  • GAP (Groups, Algorithms and Programming) is a free system for computational discrete algebra. (GNU Public License)
  • geg is capable of drawing 2-dimensional mathematical functions within a nice user interface. e.g., $$ f(x) 3D 3 + sin {x over 2 } $$ geg allows you to view multiple functions simultaneously, with each function drawn in a different color. Functions can be selectively erased and are easily identifiable by colour matching. The viewport can be zoomed in and out, and can zoom in on selected regions. ( GPL)
  • Geometry is a text program to aid in the solving of geometry and Geometry and some Trigonometry problems, using the Pythagorean Theorem, Trig Ratios (sine, cosine, tangent, and their inverses,) and several basic postulates and theorems. (GNU Public License)
  • Geomview is an interactive 3D viewing program for Unix. It lets you view and manipulate 3D objects: you use the mouse to rotate, translate, zoom in and out, etc. It can be used as a standalone viewer for static objects or as a display engine for other programs which produce dynamically changing geometry. (LGPL)
  • GNUPLOT is a very popular command-driven plotting program with many features. (Unknown)
  • gonvert is a conversion utility that allows conversion between many units such as CGS, Ancient, and Imperial. It supports many categories like length, mass, numbers, and more. All converted values are shown immediately as you type. It is easy to add/change your own units. It was written in Python and uses pygtk and libglade. (GNU Public License)
  • GPLconx is an educational visualization tool that allows exploration of lines and conic sections in three models of 2-D hyperbolic geometry. (GNU Public License)
  • GraphThing is a tool that allows you to create, manipulate and study graphs. These "graphs" are mathematical objects that describe relationships between sets; they are not 2D plots, charts, or anything similar to that. (GNU Public License)
  • Guppi is a GNOME-based framework for graphing and interactive data analysis. (GNU Public License)
  • MathEclipse is an online symbolic math tool written in Java 1.1. It features big number arithmetic, symbolic and numeric evaluation, a C/C++ like programming language, and plot functions. ( Artistic and GPL)
  • ISETL Educational programming language. Helpful in learning calculus, abstract algebra and other higher level maths. May be useful for upper-level high school classes. Currently lacking in graphics support and needs some tweaking in the language parser. Overall, relatively easy to use. (Freeware)
  • Kalamaris is the next generation on scientific applications. While similar to Mathematica in some aspects, it offers a new approach to solve mathematical problems in an easy and intuitive way. ( GPL)
  • Kalcul is a game for children, aged 8 to 15, to help them improve their math skills interactively. ( GPL)
  • KBruch is a small program to generate tasks with fractions. The user has to solve the given task by entering the right value for numerator and denominator. The program checks the input and gives a feedback. The task generation can be adjusted by different parameters. The user can decide if he wants to solve tasks with addition/substraction and/or multiplication/division. It is possible to enter the number of ratios and the maximum for the main denominator. (GNU Public License)
  • KDE Interactive Geometry (KIG) is a program for use in math classes in high school, much like KGeo, KSeg, Dr. Geo, and Cabri. It allows students to interactively explore geometric concepts. For more information: check out the included documentation ( open "help:/kig" in konqueror...) (GNU Public License)
  • KGeo is a program for interactive Geometry just like programs such as Euklid, Zirkel und Lineal or Kseg. It was my wish to write an open source version of this software that is free for schools and combines the best of both (all) worlds. ( GPL)
  • Kig is a program for exploring geometric constructions. Kig is meant as a useful utility for high school students and teachers, and as a fun project for me and others. I have learned a lot by working on it, and it's fun to work together with other people on it. I've written much of the Kig code myself, but I've also had a lot of help from other people. Please see the about box for more information. (GNU Public License)
  • KMathTool - коллекция небольших математических программ: разложение чисел на множители, нахождение множителей, наибольших общих делителей, площадь квадарта, многоугольника, круга ... (GNU Public License)
  • KMatplot is an Origin-like tool for plotting data sets in either two or three dimensions. It can plot all ordinary types of 2D plots, including pixmaps, contours, and 3D surfaces. It offers a full WYSIWYG mode with multiple axes on a single page and a simple command interface for Octave and Scilab. ( GPL)
  • KmPlot - графопостроитель функций, входящий в пакет образовательных программ KDE Edutainment Project. It has built in a powerfull parser. You can plot different functions simultaneously and combine their function terms to build new functions. kmplot supports functions with parameters and functions in polar coordinates. Several grid modes are possible. Plots may be printed with high precision in correct scale. (GNU Public License)
  • KPercentage - небольшая программа, которая призвана помочь учащимся в освоении процентов. (GNU Public License)
  • KSEG is a Linux program for exploring Euclidean geometry. You create a construction, such as a triangle with a circumcenter, and then, as you drag verteces of the triangle, you can see the circumcenter moving in real time. Of course, you can do a lot more than that. KSEG was inspired by the Geometer's Sketchpad. ( GPL)
  • Learning Logic is a highly-interactive, computerized mathematics program currently used to teach Algebra I (Pre-algebra and Algebra II on a limited basis). It presents lessons which are self-paced, is easily adapted to individual students, and generates homework and tests which are graded by the computer and are based on the material covered by each individual student. ( unknown; commercial?)
  • Leibnitz is the calculator you've always wanted (even if you didn't know it), short of handwriting recognition. Unlike the typical calculator that implements the hand-held pushbutton interface (which is only appropriate for hand-help devices), Leibnitz takes full advantage of your computer's high resolution display, mouse, and keyboard. ( Free to use, but restricted)
  • Math And EDucation (Maed) is a mathematical program with an educational character. The main idea is to solve problems both numerically and symbolically, showing the intermediate steps. The program has its own (LISP-like) programming language. (GNU Public License)
  • MathAid Trigonometry, Algebra, Precalculus Highly interactive educational Java- and web-based math courses including theoretical concepts, hands-on examples featuring animated graphics and "live" formulas, problem-solving lessons and customizable real time tests with solutions and evaluations. (Commerical)
  • MathMagic Its goal is to provide a unified interface (GUI) using GTK+ for mathematical funcs. (GNU Public License)
  • MathWar is more or less like playing with flash cards, with the exception that there is a computer player who can attempt to answer if the human player is too slow. A game of MathWar consists of a set number of rounds. A round consists of two cards and a mathematical operator (add, subtract, or multiplication). The first player to guess an answer for a round gets that rounds point if the guess is correct. Otherwise, the correct answer is displayed, and no points are awarded. ( GPL)
  • Mozilla/MathML The Mozilla browser includes support for rendering and editing MathML. Mozilla has many powerful tools that can be used to generate web pages that include MathML, the W3 language for math presentation and for sematic/content of math expressions. Mozilla's MathML lets you write math in a standard format that can be used to build courseware or to pass on to other applications that use standard formats. (Mozilla Public License)
  • MuPAD is a general purpose computer algebra system for symbolic and numerical computations. Users can view the library code, implement their own routines and data types easily and can also dynamically link C/C++ compiled modules for raw speed and flexibility. ( free trial)
  • NetMath is a web browser which knows something about math. It has built-in plotting engines and the ability to communicate with computation servers. This makes it possible to do local graphics, zooming and panning, while taking advantage of sophisticated computational programs. Documents contain active and editable items, and the results of computations appear in the document. ( GPL)
  • Octave does arithmetic for real and complex scalars, vectors, and matrices. Octave is comparable to the commercial application Matlab. (GNU Public License)
  • Pari-GP is a high speed language and programmable calculator primarily used for number theory. (GNU Public License)
  • R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. (GNU Public License) [ Complete Record ]
  • Rlab is an interactive, interpreted scientific programming environment. Rlab is a very high level language intended to provide fast prototyping and program development, as well as easy data-visualization, and processing. Rlab is not a clone of languages such as those used by tools like Matlab or Matrix-X/Xmath. However, as Rlab focuses on creating a good experimental environment (or laboratory) in which to do matrix math, it can be called ``Matlab-like''; since the programming language possesses similar operators and concepts. ( GPL)
  • Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a user-friendly environment. It features: Elaborate data structures (polynomial, rational and string matrices, lists, multivariable linearsystems,...). Sophisticated interpreter and programming language with Matlab-like syntax. Hundreds of built-in math functions (new primitives can easily be added). Stunning graphics (2d, 3d, animation). Open structure (easy interfacing with Fortran and C via online dynamic link). And many built-in libraries: Linear Algebra (including sparse matrices, Kronecker form, ordered Schur,...). Control (Classical, LQG, H-infinity,...). Package for LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) optimization. Signal processing. Simulation (various ode's, dassl,...). Optimization (differentiable and non-differentiable, LQ solver). Scicos, an interactive environment for modeling and simulation of dynamical systems. Metanet (network analysis and optimization). Symbolic capabilities through Maple interface (Generic Open Source)
  • Singular is a Computer Algebra system for polynomial computations with emphasis on the special needs of commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory. (GNU Public License)
  • TeXmacs GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was both inspired by TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured documents via a wysiwyg (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) and user friendly interface. New styles may be created by the user. The program implements high-quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts, which help you to produce professionally looking documents. (GNU Public License)
  • Tutorial Environment for Cryptographic Protocols (TECP) is a tutorial and visualization environment for public key cryptography. It is intended for students of cryptography courses and can be used to improve understanding of modular arithmetic-based public key algorithms, and for lecturers who want to add some life to boring blackboard-and-chalk presentations about the topic. (GNU Public License)
  • Tux of Math Command is an educational math tutor for children starring Tux, the Linux Penguin. It is graphical and requires SDL. It is copyrighted under the Gnu General Public License (included with the source code) and is freely distributable under the Gnu GPL's requirements. (GNU Public License)
  • VPython Package for simple 3D programing in Python 2.2 From the VPython web page: While a sophomore in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, David Scherer created a 3D graphics module for Python, called "Visual," that is exceptionally easy to use. A program can create 3D objects (such as spheres, curves, etc.) and position them in 3D space. Visual, running in a separate thread, automatically updates a 3D scene many times per second, to reflect the current positions of the objects. The programmer does not need to deal with display management, but can focus on the computational aspects of the program. The user can navigate in the 3D scene by using the mouse to zoom and rotate while the program is running. Visual supports full vector algebra. (Generic Open Source)
  • WIMS (WWW Interactive Mathematics Server) is a CGI Web application designed to host interactive mathematical educational activities such as exercises, computational math, and graphing tools. It features automatic score processing with strong anti-cheating mechanisms, virtual classes allowing teachers to guide/control student works, online exercise creation, animated graphics, a message board allowing inline mathematical formulas, and more. It can also be easily used for education within other disciplines. The latest versions of WIMS include a document writer and other features for online courses in mathematics and science. ( GPL)
  • Xeuklides is a frontend for editing and viewing figures described by the language Eukleides (which provides simple and powerful commands for creating elementary euclidean geometry figures). (GNU Public License)
  • Yacas (Yet Another Computer Algebra System) is a small and highly flexible computer algebra language. The syntax uses an infix-operator grammar parser. ( GPL)
  • Иностранные языки Что почитать?
  • AikSaurus is a free thesaurus library released under the GNU General Public License. You may be interested in adding it to your favorite open source word processor, or using it to power an online thesaurus site. AikSaurus was initially based on the Moby Thesaurus List, a public domain file provided by Project Gutenberg. Beginning with Version 0.06, AikSaurus incorporates Project Guttenberg's Moby Part Of Speech List in order to better group results. ( GPL)
  • American Sign Language Learning Aid (ASLLA) is a set of programs designed to help the beginner ASL student learn ASL. It is composed of two parts: ASLLA-Dictionary and ASLLA-Fingerspeller. ASLLA-Dict allows the student to look up English->ASL sign. ASLLA-Fspell allows the beginner to practice seeing fingerspelling. (GNU Public License)
  • atnag Games for French pre_school including memory, letters falling, puzzle, labyrinth, letters & numbers, double entry arrays, domino, counting, enumeration, draw, sort, arrangement, ... (GNU Public License)
  • Collatinus is at first a program for teachers. With Collatinus you can add a vocabulary list to any text in latin, like in a dictionary. (GNU Public License)
  • Comp-jugador спряжение глаголов официального испанского языка (как в словаре Diccionario de la Real Academia). Содержит около 10,000 глаголов. (GPL)
  • CrossWords for Linux is a set of JavaScript crossword puzzles for learning the vocabulary and culture of Linux. (GPL)
  • cVokTrainer is a vocabulary trainer, which bases on the word file format ding uses. (GNU Public License)
  • 'Dictation' relieves the language teacher of one of the most boring tasks: giving dictations. For students 'Dictation' is a easy program to do dictations online. 'Dictation' is a web based program to prepare, give and do dictations online. A language techer can add sentences (wav or mp3 files) to a database with the correct spelling. She can choose which sentences to serve to pupils. Pupils can login and do the dictation by listening to the sentences and filling in the sentence. When finished they and the teacher receive an e-mail containing the sentences of the student and the correct sentences by the teacher. Student or teacher can correct and/or mark the work. The Admin function of 'Dictation' permits adding teachers to the program, automate student login, HTML mail option, change the look of the program, and many other features. (GNU Public License)
  • Ding is a Dictionary lookup program for X/Unix. It comes with a German-English Dictionary with ca. 120,000 entries. It is based on Tk version >3D 8.0 and uses the agrep or egrep tools for searching. It has many configuration options, such as search preferences, interface language (English or German), colors. It has history and help functions and comes with useful key and mouse bindings for quick and easy lookups. ( GPL)
  • edictionary is a commandline interface to online dictionaries. (GNU Public License)
  • Engrusdict Engrusdict является Англо-русским словарем (около 22000 слов). Он также может работать и как Русско-английский словарь (около 31000 слов). Engrusdict основан на Freedict (c Tom van der Meijden 1997,2000), который является свободным словарем, работающим в двух направлениях с Английским и другими языками. Уточним, что данный словарь работает только в Windows и если вы попытаетесь запустить его в Wine, то у вас могут возникнуть проблемы с правильным отображением символов кириллицы. Вот почему я принял решение сделать графический интерфейс к этому словарю для X11. Это сделает возможным вводить русские (кириллистические) символы, если у вас нет клавиатуры с кириллицей, а также огранизовать поддержку раскладок клавиатуры в кодировках ISO 8859-5, KOI-8 и Windows 1251.
  • EnRus dictionary tools - это набор tcl/tk скриптов для работы (формирования, преобразования, редактирования и чтения) с текстовыми словарными базами. Условия распространения - Freeware в терминах GNU Public License.
  • Everest QDictionary is a free multi-language dictionary with 28 dictionaries and over 2.000.000 words. A word can be searched for in many dictionaries at once or looked up in an index. A search can be narrowed down. The application can automatically look up words that are copied to the clipboard. A little game is also included for testing your word knowledge. (GNU Public License)
  • FreeDict - Свободные двуязычные словари. (GNU Public License)
  • gidic (Gtk Inter DICtionary) is a simple dictionary program which is a GTK-based front-end to The Internet Dictionary project from Tyler Chambers, which includes French, German, Italian, Latin, Portugese, and Spanish dictionaries. ( GPL)
  • Gjiten is a Gnome based Japanese dictionary program. It uses some of the xjdic code written by Jim Breen and his dictionary files Gjiten also has a kanji dictionary. Any combination of stroke count, radicals and search key can be used for kanji lookups. It requires a working X Input Method (eg. kinput2) for japanese input. (GPL)
  • GNU Dict The gnuDict toolkit use plugins to connect to different dictionaries. It include client, plugins, web dictionary, etc. (GNU Public License)
  • GPLTrans is a translation engine which is released under the GPL. This is designed for Web use, since it is essentially a CGI program. Along with other UI components, this becomes basically a full-fledged language translator. This is being released under the GPL license, and there are 8 language modules available for GPLTrans at this moment, located here. (GNU Public License)
  • Granule is a flashcard program that implements Leitner (by the German psychologist Sebastian Leitner in the 1970s) cardfile methodology for learning new words. It features both short-term and long-term memory training capabilities with scheduling. (GNU Public License)
  • Gretools is a collection of programs which use the Barron's word list to help users improve their vocabulary. The wordlist is adapted from the one found at http://pllab.kaist.ac.kr/~gladius/gre/, and contains about 4000 words. gretools consists of a gtk-based synonym quizzing program and a command line word-guessing game, among others. Features include automatically remembering the words on which the user erred and applying a filter to restrict the wordspace to practice on. It is particularly useful for preparing for word tests. (GNU Public License)
  • GTK Sozluk is an English-Turkish Dictionary. It has 36,000 words in dictionary data, and it is very useful and very fast. Turkish words have more examples and fewer meanings. (GNU Public License)
  • GTK+ Dictionary GTK+ dictionary is a frontend to dictionaries stored in a MySQL server. (GNU Public License)
  • gwavmerger is an interactive memory training tool that is designed to assist with learning foreign languages. It helps you to memorize long passages of text. (GNU Public License)
  • The Hanzi Quiz Program has a list of hanzi, pinyin (pronunciation), and English meanings, comprising sort of a "deck of flashcards" (in the file hanzicards.js). The program randomly generates multiple-choice questions, by showing one hanzi and letting you guess the correct pinyin out of 5 randomly selected from the deck (well ... not quite randomly ... one is the correct answer) Or you can see the English and guess the hanzi. Any combination of categories is possible. ( GPL)
  • Hanzi Master (Hanzim) is an interactive visual dictionary for learning and seeing relationships between Chinese radicals, characters, and compounds. All the characters with a given radical, phonetic component, or pronunciation can be displayed, and all words containing a character, with English meanings. All data is stored locally. Either simplified or traditional characters can be used. (Unknown)
  • Hspell The Hspell project is a free Hebrew linguistic project. Its first aim is to create a free Hebrew spell-checker, and a fully functional and already useful release 0.2 is now available (see below). However the databases and algorithms developed by the Hspell program could also be used as a morphology engine (for example, for search engines), and in the future (with much more work) for advanced things like Hebrew speech synthesis (for the blind who use a free operating system, but also useful for the general population). (GNU Public License)
  • JavaDICT is a server for the DICT protocol (RFC 2229), a TCP transaction-based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. (GNU Public License)
  • jDictionary is a powerful multi-platform dictionary application. It features has a nice GUI and an easy- to-use plugin management system, which is able to download and install plugins automagically from the Web. Apart from dictionary-related plugins, these can include speech synthesizer plugins which can be invoked by other plugins to pronounce words. (Lesser General Public License)
  • JGloss is an application for adding reading and translation annotations to words in a Japanese text document. This can be done automatically and manually. When a text document is first opened, kanji and katakana words will be looked up in a dictionary and the first reading and translation found (if any) is used to annotate the word. The user can then edit the annotations: choose among the readings and translations found in the dictionaries, enter his own readings and translations, remove annotations and add new annotations. The document can be exported as plain text with annotations, HTML (with support for the Ruby Annotation XHTML specification) or LaTeX. ( GPL)
  • KDrill kdrill helps people learn Japanese 'Kanji' characters. It originally started as a simple multiple choice Kanji quiz program, to help people learn Japanese characters, but it now has a few different guess formats, history options, and also has a dictionary function. Words can be looked up in a variety of methods, including Romaji, SKIP, four-corner, cut-n-paste, and English search. (Generic Open Source)
  • kbedic This is a Bulgarian-English dictionary, available for KDE, CDE, or as a web-enabled program. The website is in Bulgarian, of course. (GNU Public License)
  • Kdict is a graphical client for the DICT protocol. It enables you to search through dictionary-like databases for a word or phrase, then displays suitable definitions. Kdict has support for all protocol features, a separate list of matching words for advanced queries, configurable database sets, a browser-like user interface, convenient interaction with the X-clipboard, configurable HTML output, and printing. ( Artistic)
  • Kiten is a Japanese reference/learning tool. Kiten features:
    Search with english keyword, Japanese reading, or a Kanji string on a list of EDICT files.
    Search with english keyword, Japanese reading, number of strokes, grade number, or a Kanji on a list of KANJIDIC files.
    Comes with all necessary files.
    Very fast.
    Limit searches to only common entries.
    Nested searches of results possible.
    Compact, small, fast interface.
    Global KDE keybindings for searching highlighted strings.
    Learning dialog. (One can even open up multiple ones and have them sync between each other.)
    Browse Kanji by grade.
    Add Kanji to a list for later learning.
    Browse list, and get quizzed on them.
    (GNU Public License)
  • klatin is a Latin dictionary designed for the KDE user interface. (GNU Public License)
  • KLearnSpelling This program aims to help pupils from all around the world to learn their own spelling words. This program has 2 goals:
    1. to allow the parent or the teacher to type in the list of words Note: the words are stored in text files in the home directory by default.
    2. to help the pupil learn the words and have a test as he will have at school. (GNU Public License)
  • Klicklack is a plugin-based dictionary application for KDE. As both the user interface and the dictionary access are implemented in plugins, it allows you to use the advantages of several already available similar applications. At the moment, plugins based on KSteak and KQuick are available. Klicklack is still in development status. (GNU Public License)
  • KMessedWords is a simple mind-training game, in which you have to "figure out" the word that has been given in the program. I have "labeled" this program for children over 10 years, as the game is solvable harder as it looks. (GNU Public License)
  • KQuick is an open translation system to translate words between languages, resolve acronyms, and lookup numbers. KQuick is the first User-Interface of the *Quick system. Other user interfaces, for Windows (WQuick), Gnome (GQuick), ... will follow. ( GPL)
  • KSocrat is the simple English/Russian and Russian/English dictionary for the K Desktop Environment. (GNU Public License) Программа KSocrat может как переводить отдельные слова, так и делать подстрочник. Она обладает простым и удобным интерфейсом, не требующим особых навыков работы. Но, например, функции составления собственных словарей или такой возможности, как выдача нескольких вариантов перевода <нестандартных> слов (множественного числа некоторых существительных или сложных словоформ), в KSocrat нет.
  • Kura is an application intended to facilitate descriptive and analytic linguistic work in the tradition described by Dixon as "Basic Theory". It will be a multi-user, multi-language application with facilities for linking data between languages. Since linguistic data can be available in the form of sound files, manuscript scans and textual data, Kura will be a true multi-media application. Kura will be an extensible application, based on open standards, like SQL, XML and Unicode. ( Python)
  • Kverbos is an application specially designed to study Spanish verb forms. The program suggests a verb and a tense and the user enters the different forms. The program corrects the user input and gives a feedback. The user can edit the list of the verbs that can be studied. The program can built regular verb forms by itself. Irregular verb forms have to entered by the user. (GNU Public License)
  • KVocabulary is a vocabulary trainer for KDE 3. It can handle different languages with many units. It is possible to enter up to three translations for one word. It's up to you to choose your desired test mode! e.g. in order, mixed or only words you didn't know before. (GNU Public License)
  • KVocTrain is a little utility to help you train your vocabulary, when you are trying to learn a foreign language. You can create your own database with the words you need. It is intended as a replacement for index (flash) cards. (GPL)
  • Kydpdict is a graphical frontend to Collins' English/German-Polish and Polish-English/German dictionaries. (GNU Public License)
  • LaTrine is a curses-based LAnguage TRaINEr. It takes a dictionary and asks you for a word or a phrase, and you try to give the correct answer. The direction is configurable. The selection of the words or phrases depends on how often you don't know the correct translation. It can be used with the Free Dictionaries Project, which provides dictionaries for about 50 language combinations. (GNU Public License)
  • learn is a vocable learning program with a simple memory model. It can be useful for drilling oneself on the meanings of words from foreign languages. ( free for non-commercial use)
  • Learn Words helps you to learn the words of foreign languages. Once words and their meanings have been entered, the computer quizzes you and shows how many errors you made. (GNU Public License)
  • Lexter is a real-time word puzzle for text terminals. Arrange the falling letters into words to score points. Lexter supports internationalization and multiple dictionaries. The package contains English and French dictionaries, but needs a French gettext translation for the in game text. If anyone would like to translate Lexter to another language I'll include any "po" files I received in the next version. ( GPL)
  • LingoTeach is a very simple language teaching tool, written in Java. It shows a word or sentence in one language, and many choices in another. When you choose the right answer, you get a new question. You can also swap the language that asks the question and the language that is used for your choices. It's localized for and teaches lessons in Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Japanese. ( GPL)
  • Linguaphile is a simple command line language translator. It is open source, platform independent, and programmed in Perl. Linguaphile currently supports the following languages: Afrikaans, Alawa, Albanian, Arrernte, Basque, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hawaiian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Interlingua, Irish, Italian, Kala Lagaw Ya, Korean, Kriol, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Maltese, Maori, Norwegian, Pitjantjatjara, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Tok Pisin, Turkish, Ukrainian, Warlpiri, and Welsh. The Spanish to English translation is the most useful at this stage. (GNU Public License)
  • Lingvisto is a small X11 program that will help you to learn words from foreign languages. You can create your own lessons and test your knowledge afterwards. Lingvisto supports a variety of languages.
  • lltools Web and command-line tools to help students learn foreign languages using the greatest language database available: the world wide web. (GNU Public License)
  • Magic-Dic is a multilingual dictionary program for the console. It supports searching coevally in global and user dictionaries. It also supports simultaneous searching in more than in one dictionary language to study similarities between languages. Dictionaries are easily chosen via the command line by country code abbreviations. It can search for more than one word in one search request. The search for a word can be an exact word match or inexact. Magic-Dic is also more than a dictionary-view program. New dictionary entries can also be created in multi-lingual insert mode, allowing you to automatically create all dictionary language pairs at once by translating a word to many different languages. New entries into user dictionaries are emailed to a central location, where they are all merged into the central source for Magic-Dic's global dictionaries. (GNU Public License)
  • marmllvoc A vocabulary learning program. marmllvoc is a free GPL-licensed vocabulary learning program for unix-like systems. marmllvoc is a consol program but later there might be GUI. (GNU Public License)
  • Minivoki is a minimal console-based vocabulary learning aid which has some interesting features. It comes with Korean, Chinese, and Japanese input parsers, 7-bit input for 8-bit characters like accents, one-direction-only word pairs, learning and test modes, and some others. (Freely Distributable)
  • Англо-русский словарь Мюллера и программы для его использования в UNIX Это известный и широко распространенный англо-русский словарь Мюллера с транскрипцией. Словарь содержит 46233 словарных статей. "MOVA" - набор bash-скриптов для его использования в UNIX. (GPL)
  • Open Translation Engine (OTE) is a group of web-based translation tools. Currently supports Dutch/English and English/Italian. Written in PHP with XML Dictionaries. (BSD License)
  • Pango Pango is a library for laying out and rendering of text, with an emphasis on internationalization. The integration of Pango with Cairo (http://cairographics.org/) provides a complete solution with high quality text handling and graphics rendering. The goal of the Pango project is to provide an open-source framework for the layout and rendering of internationalized text. ( LGPL)
  • PHPSTEAK is a english-german vocabulary program that uses the GPL-database available from "http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/dict". PHP and MySQL are used to speedup retrieval. LAMP, WAMP environment or similar is required. (GNU Public License)
  • Project LRNJ The goal of Project LRNJ is to make LeaRNing Japanese fun and easy. It can currently teach you the katakana, hiragana, and kanji: essential character recognition for reading Japanese. (Unknown)
  • PyBabelPhish is a GTK-based program providing fast translations from one natural language to another. Texts translated to Spanish can be read aloud in Spanish through optional text-to-speech support. (Free Education Initiative License)
  • Pythonol is a free, much-needed, all-in-one Spanish-English language educational software package. Its features include verb conjugation, a dictionary, a thesaurus, idioms, full-text translations, and quizzes. It is GTK-based and written in pure Python. (Free Education Initiative License)
  • QaMoose is an English-Arabic user-defined dictionary that is meant to be used by translators and technical writers in order to establish and retain a consistency in the terms used. Some of the features offered by QaMoose are the ability to suggest new terms for approval, search an approved database (db) of terms. The term form includes English and Arabic spelled with Latin characters. All code is UTF-8 friendly. There is also an 'admin' page which allows you to apply for a term inspector/approver position. (GNU Public License)
  • QTrans is a KDE frontend for the Babylon dictionary. It translates from English to several languages. ( GPL)
  • QTSOZLUK is a simple English to Turkish dictionary with a QT interface. (GNU Public License)
  • QuikDic is an Internet dictionary which will look up words over the Internet and define them. (BSD)
  • QVocab is a program that should help you to learn the vocabulary of a foreign language. You add your words into a simple database file, the program asks you the words and you try to answer with the corresponding word of the other language. A known word will move up one level (there are five of them) and if you didn't know its meaning, it is moved to the first level again. ( GPL)
  • ReciteWord is education software developed using GTK 2 to help people study English and recite English words. It has a very beautiful interface to make reciting words an interesting thing. It can change skins, and comes with many sound events, including over 400 books for you to choose. It also includes a dictionary, which can also run separately. (GNU Public License)
  • Saxogram is a script which generates vocabulary lists from texts written in foreign languages. So far it has dictionaries for Latin, German, and Italian. Saxogram was written with extensibility in mind. Thus, other languages can be "plugged in" as modules. All that is needed is a dictionary and a small amount of code. The purpose of the program is to speed up language learning. Too much time is spent looking up every third word. This isn't practical when learning a new language. ( GPL)
  • SpellingPractice Individualized spelling lists without the grunt work
    Audio cues, not flashcards -- SpellingPractice plays a recorded audio cue using the spelling word in a sentence.
    Build per-student spelling lists -- Using over 300 high-frequency words, SpellingPractice tests students and keeps a record of words spelled correctly and incorrectly.
    Drill -- SpellingPractice uses an intelligent algorithm to choose spelling words for the most effective drills.
    Track an entire classroom -- Identify trends and compare progress reports. (GNU Public License)
  • StarDict is a international on-line dictionary with many dict data files. It has powerful features such as glob-style pattern matching, fuzzy queries, and more. When the user selects a word in other software, it can pop up a floating window showing the selected word's meaning. (GNU Public License)
  • SVT is a Spanish Vocabulary Tutor. It is meant to help you practice foreign language vocabulary through question and answer self-testing. ( undetermined)
  • The Talen Vocab Trainer is a nice program using a quite strange user interface for training a selection of words. It has a two-line curses interface and requires only 2 key presses per word, which is why it works so well. It has Dutch language support, but is extendable. (BSD)
  • The DICT Project DICT is an interchange format that will facilitate writing, sharing, and serving of dictionary database information. ( varies; generally Open Source)
  • Traduki is a free machine translation system written in Python. Its goal is to convert text written in one natural language into text in another natural language. Traduki features support for less common languages such as Latvian and Swahili. Traduki is currently still in a pre-alpha stage. ( GPL)
  • Verbiste is a French conjugation system implemented as a C++ library and two commandline tools. It can conjugate verbs and analyze conjugated verbs to determine their mode, tense, and person. The knowledge base contains over 6000 verbs. (GNU Public License)
  • Vocabulary Trainer is a flashcard training system for learning words in foreign languages. You can use language modules to change the language of its interface and can choose one of three learning modes (Random, Often-unknown words, and Seldom-asked words). (Public Domain)
  • Vocabulary Trainer Программа помогает увеличить словарный запас английского языка. Vocabulary Trainer включает ежедневные уроки, в которые входят самые часто используемые слова, взятые из английских газет и журналов. Также в программу включены тесты на понимание значения слов.
  • Vocabulary Trainer Software to help you learn German, French or Spanish.
  • VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer) is an educational software that quizzes users by way of Question & Answer flashcards and Cloze tests. Then, it schedules spaced repetitions for the flashcards in terms of minutes, days, and weeks (up to 50 years). VTrain has been registered by 30 Universities and by hundreds of schools. (Shareware)
  • Wo3 Hen3 Chan2 tries to alleviate the dearth of chinese language tools available for linux. The plan is to integrate the tools linked from www.mandarintools.com (dictionary, encoding converters/detectors) into a unified, pleasant user experience. Ha! (GNU Public License)
  • Word Inspector is a graphical front-end to the "dict" program. The dict program allows you to search through one or more dictionary-like reference books for a word, then displays its definition. Word Inspector expands that by allowing you to enter words to look up more easily, easily look up words that appear in the definition for another word, and automatically look up a word in the X Windows selection. (GNU Public License)
  • WordNet is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. (Freely Distributable)
  • Wordtrans is a frontend for several dictionaries. It supports some plain text dictionaries such as i2e (English-Spanish) and de-en (German-English), Babylon Translator dictionaries, and dict servers dictionaries. Some features include console and X (Qt) versions, good speed, and the ability to watch the clipboard and automatically translate the word there. ( GPL)
  • XJDIC is an electronic Japanese-English dictionary program designed to operate in the X11 window environment. In particular, it must run in an xterm environment which has Japanese language support such as provided by kterm or internationalized xterm, aixterm, etc. (GNU Public License)
  • Lingvisto На этом сайте представлены материалы для изучающих иностранные языки.
  • Jim Breen's Japanese Page
  • Linuxlinks. Dictionary
  • Музыка Что почитать?
  • Brahms is a sequencer and music notaion program with several editing methods so far including Score-, Pianoroll-, Drum-, and Mastertrack Editors. For C++ programmers, it is easy to implement further editors by deriving from a general editor-class. MIDI Import and Export is also implemented. In combination with aRts-0.3.4, one can play wave-files and make use of the midibus to send midi-events to the software synthesizer. (GPL)
  • Compo is a musical composition system in the form of a computer language derived from Common Lisp. (GNU Public License)
  • Denemo is a from-scratch graphical gtk+ frontend to Lilypond, a music typesetting system that takes text music definition files (mudela files) and outputs nicely formatted music. ( GPL)
  • DrumPatterns is a free, open source, web oriented drum patterns generator. DrumPattern is a tool to learn drum patterns. With DrumPattern, you can learn the "rudiments". And you can learn much more. This tool is exhaustive, you select the members you want to study, some rules to avoid silly patterns (according to you), and the pattern length. Then you run the program. DrumPatterns generates all the patterns that feet your choice. It presents each pattern in a loop with itself and also with the opposite sequence. ( GPL)
  • Jalmus is a free, open source music education software helping the musicians, specially pianists, to improve their sight-reading with exercises on notes or rhythms. Jalmus is a multi-platform (Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS) and multilingual software (english, french, spanish, and deutsch). (GNU Public License)
  • KGuitar is a guitarist suite for KDE. It's based on MIDI concepts and includes tabulature editor, chord construction helpers, and importing and exporting song formats. (GNU Public License)
  • KLearnNotes2 is a very simple application to teach you to read musical notes. It draws a note, and you must select the correct note from the buttons below. (GNU Public License)
  • lnotes This program is for learning music notation (bass and treble clefs) written in GTK. The purpose of it is to teach musical notation. (Public Domain)
  • Montessori Bells The purpose of the Montessori bells is to introduce children to discrimination of musical sounds by pairing and grading. The bells are also a musical instrument for children to play. Because the Montessori bells are a lovely and extremely expensive piece of equipment to buy, we have made a software equivalent of the first few activities usually done with the bells. We suggest that parents and teachers present and supervise the activities as they would the real bells. We think it will be worthwhile for adults to spend a bit of time familiarising themselves with our bells themselves before presenting them to a child, in order to avoid frustrating the child with any confusion. We suggest that the bells be introduced at a stage when the child is showing interest in music or singing. (GNU Public License)
  • MuseScore is a WYSIWYG musical score typesetter for Linux. It uses TrueType fonts for display and printing. (GNU Public License)
  • NoteEdit note editor for Qt3/KDE3. (GNU Public License)
  • Solfege is an eartraining program for GNOME. ( GPL)
  • SoundTracker tracker music (mod/xm) creation and editing (gtk/gnome) (GNU Public License)
  • ZynAddSubFX is a powerful realtime, multi-timbral software synthesizer for Linux. It has microtonal capabilities, and the instruments made by it sounds like those from professional keyboards. The program has effects like Reverb, Echo, Chorus, Phaser. Also, it has much more features. (GNU Public License)
  • История Что почитать?
  • Historical Event Markup and Linking Project (Heml) The Heml webapp transforms XML documents into historical timelines, maps and animated maps, all hyperlinked to source documents. The webapp also serves an XML schema defining the Heml markup language, provides many example documents and includes project documentation. (Please note I have entered this project under 'Geography' category because no more suitable options was available.) (GNU Public License)
  • Литература Что почитать?
    Физика Что почитать?
  • GAMGI is a GPL object-oriented program aiming to handle all aspects directly related with building, viewing and analysing atomic strucures, such as molecules, crystals, glasses, liquids, etc. GAMGI supports the 230 crystallographic space groups, and can be used to determine point symmetry and 3D Voronoi tesselation. GAMGI supports multiple windows, layers, and lights, and offers maximum control over even low-level objects as atoms, bonds and text objects. GAMGI comes with extensive XHTML documentation that can be seen with a browser or GAMGI itself, from the local computer or from a remote http or ftp site, such as http://www.gamgi.org or ftp:// ftp.gamgi.org/gamgi/. GAMGI also comes with hundreds of files describing relevant molecules, clusters and cellsi, in GAMGI XML native format, that can be loaded out-of-the-box. GAMGI is written in ANSI C and requires glib 1.2/gtk 1.2, gtkglarea 1.2, mesa and expat libraries, easily available in all Linux distributions. (GNU Public License)
  • Open Physics Project This project aims to create a sort of a constantly updated physics textbook which deals in everything from old concepts to the latest cutting edge of physics.
  • Spotter is software that can check students' answers to symbolic and numerical problems in math and science. It recognizes an answer regardless of the form it's in, and the instructor can put in helpful hints as responses to frequently-occurring mistakes. Symbolic answers can be input in a notation closely resembling normal human math notation (e.g., xy rather than x*y, and sin x instead of sin(x)). Spotter runs as a Perl CGI application on a Web server; the student doesn't need to install any software. (Artistic License)
  • Химия Что почитать?
  • Atomix is yet another little mind game. You have to build molecules out of single atoms laying around. Of course there is a time limit and the handling is not as easy as you might expect ;-). This game is inspiried by the original Amiga game Atomix. ( GPL)
  • GElemental - электронный вариант периодической таблицы Менделеева с подробным описанием каждого элемента.
  • Тренажеры

    Клавиатурные тренажеры Что почитать?
  • DvorakNG is a Dvorak typing tutor. It's heavily based on Dvorak7min, but adds many improvements like a progress information database. (GNU Public License)
  • GNU Typist is a typing tutor package built using Curses. The package contains a number of tutorials, drills and practise sessions to help with mastering touch typing on the standard computer keyboard. The accent is on the US keyboard layout, but the lessons may also be useful with other layouts. A Dvorak lesson set is included. (GPL)
  • HyperType is a typing tutor for Linux. Its features include: * A Complete set of lessons, including letters, numbers and symbols * Dynamically-generated Problem Keys lesson when necessary, based on accuracy statistics * Lesson texts from public domain works, courtesy of Project Gutenburg * Different lesson types: new keys lessons (with guide hands), associated practice lessons, and advanced lessons where the user types short stories * A tool for viewing lesson history, including aggregate statistics (average speed, accuracy, etc.) with filters by date/time period (ideal for tracking class progress) (GNU Public License)
  • JRainWords is a small java program useful for teaching small children about the keyboard. ( GPL)
  • jsTypingTutor is a JavaScript program that attempts to help users and developers type faster and more accurately. Many files are included for the user to practice on - but, you may also use any text that can be copied and pasted into the main screen. (GNU Public License)
  • JTypist is a Java version of the Typist typing tutor package. This version contains the same tutorials, drills, and practise sessions as the original, but presents them in a Java GUI instead of using curses. The program maintains for you a set of statistics for each key on the keyboard, to help with figuring out which keys require additional practice, and handles several keyboard layouts, including US, UK, and Dvorak. JTypist is in .zip file format, to extend usability to non-Unix platforms. Since it is written in Java, it may be run on any systems that offer a suitable Java runtime. JTypist requires an AWT-capable Java runtime; this may be standalone (for example, the Linux JDK), or running inside a Web browser (for example, Netscape Communicator). (GPL)
  • KTouch is a program for learning touch typing. KTouch is a way to learn to type on a keyboard quickly and correctly. Every finger has it's place on the keyboard with associated keys to press. ( GPL)
  • Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor
  • TuxTyping is an educational typing tutor for children starring Tux, the Linux Penguin. It is graphical and requires SDL. ( GPL)
  • TypeFast is a curses-based typing practice/tutoring program. It has rudimentary weighting on letters for which you are more prone to failure, and it features a mode where it will only prompt for characters from either the left or right side (conformant to generic Dvorak layouts, as well as QWERTY). (GNU Public License)
  • Typing Trainer is designed for exercising typing speed and typing accuracy, by providing an environment to type in a copy of an original text within a specific time period. It also has the ability to store the results of such an exercise for exam purposes. (Artistic)
  • XLetters is a game to practice your typing skill. The goal is to type the falling words before they reach the bottom of the window. ( GPL)
  • serhiy cherevko, "Клавиатурные тренажеры в Linux."

  • Код Морзе Что почитать?
  • Aldo is a Morse code tutor. It generates some strings of chars using a random number generator, and translates and sounds these strings in Morse code. You must catch the code and check what you have heard. It has 6 skills and 4 speeds. (GNU Public License)