Традиционные файловые системы Linux |
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Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
a new filesystem hierarchy standard for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. FHS defines a
common arrangement of the many files and directories in Unix-like systems (the filesystem hierarchy) that different developers (primarily Linux ones)
have agreed to use
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Wikipedia.Файловая система
Список файловых систем
Linux Virtual File-system Layer
describes the internals of one of the fundamental Linux kernel subsystems - the Virtual File-system Layer also known as the VFS switch
Журналируемые файловые системы |
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LogFS - файловая система для
Linux, предназначенная для использования на Flash накопителях. Поддерживается
журналирование и сжатие данных на лету.
HFS+ for FreeBSD
Порт из ОС Darwin в ОС FreeBSD журналируемой файловой системы. Имеет Unicode
имена на диске.
JFS (Journalised File System)
Журналируемая файловая система для Linux от IBM.
IBM's journaled file system technology, currently used in IBM enterprise servers, is designed for high-throughput server environments, key to running intranet and other high-performance e-business file servers
Популярная журналируемая файловая система для Linux. Использует классический алгоритм
сбалансированных деревьев (B+Tree) для организации обьектов файловой системы.
an enhancement for Linux journal file systems such as Ext3 to provide snapshots. Snapshots provide frozen images of the file systems
an OSI-Certified Open Source journaling file system.
A high-performance journaling filesystem. XFS combines advanced journaling
technology with full 64-bit addressing and scalable structures and algorithms.
Файловые системы с усиленным контролем доступа |
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a permission filesystem for linux
Файловые системы с компрессией |
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AVFS (A Virtual File
System) - Система, позволяющая любым программам работать с заархивированными, сжатыми
и удаленными файлами. Поддерживает дисководы, файлы tar, gzip, zip, bzip2, ar,
rar, а также FTP, HTTP, WebDAV, rsh/rcp, SSH/scp без необходимости перекомпилировать
программное обеспечение.
Cromfs is a compressed read-only filesystem for Linux. Cromfs is intended for permanently archiving gigabytes of big files that have a lot of redundancy. It is more aimed at heavy compression than at a light fingerprint. It uses the lzma compression algorithm from 7-zip.
ShaoLin CogoFS
a high-performance and reliable stackable compression file system for Linux. It compresses files and stores them in compressed form to multiply your hard disk space, increases I/O access speed, and reduces network traffic
a highly compressed read-only filesystem for Linux (kernel 2.4.x). It uses
zlib compression to compress both files, inodes and directories. Inodes in the system are very small and all blocks are packed to minimise data overhead. Block sizes greater than 4K are supported up to a maximum of 32K
Файловая система с высокой степенью сжатия для Linux 2.4.x и 2.6.x.
Предназначена для общего пользования файловой системой только-для-чтения,
для архивного пользования и в обусловленных блочных устройствах/системах
an extension to the ISO9660 filesystem that allows files, on a file-by-file
basis, to be stored compressed and decompressed in real time. The zisofs
filesystem is supported by recent versions of Linux (2.4.14 or later)
Файловые системы с шифрованием |
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Шифрованная файловая система. Использует OpenSSL, fuse. Поддерживает AES.
Смонтированую файловую систему принципиально невозможно увидеть под другим
UID, кроме того, кто её смонтировал.
CFS is an encrypting file system for Unix-like OSs. It uses NFS as its interface, and so is reasonably portable. The FS code dates back to 1989, and the crypto to 1992, so it is showing signs of age. This code should be regarded as completely unsupported
CryptoFS is a encryption filesystem for the Linux Userland Filesystem. Files written to the mount point will be stored encrypted (data and filename) in a directory on a normal filesystem.
eCryptfs is an POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. It is derived from Erez Zadok's Cryptfs, implemented through the FiST framework for generating stacked filesystems. eCryptfs extends Cryptfs to provide advanced key management and policy features. eCryptfs stores cryptographic metadata in the header of each file written, so that encrypted files can be copied between hosts; the file will be decryptable with the proper key, and there is no need to keep track of any additional information aside from what is already in the encrypted file itself.
provides an encrypted filesystem in user-space. The EncFS module itself runs without any special permissions and uses the FUSE library and Linux kernel module to provide the filesystem interface
ext2hide allows users and administrators to utilize the reserved space of the ext2/3 superblocks to store hidden data on their filesystems, rendering it inaccessible to any normal viewing, yet still residing in permanent storage on disk.
a Steganographic File System for Linux. Not only does it encrypt data, it also hides it such that it cannot be proved to be there
(Transparent Cryptographic File System).
Шифрованная сетевая файловая система для Linux и *BSD. A suitable solution
to the problem of privacy for distributed file systems
an experimental new type of filesytem that is steganographic by nature.
It not only encrypts all information on the disk, but also tries to hide
that information in such a way that it cannot be proven to even exist on
the disk
Файловые системы для CD и DVD |
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a file system for Linux systems that `exports' all tracks and boot images on a CD as normal files
Файловая система Linux, представляющая все треки на дисках и загрузочные
образы на CD как обычные файлы. Основной целью разработчиков этой файловой
системы было извлечение информации из старых ISO-сессий.
an open-source implementation of a file system archive that makes a DVD SCSI Library with multiple pieces of DVD-R or DVD-RAM media look like a single large file system
Universal Disk Format (UDF) Driver
the filesystem standard used by DVD-ROMs and "packet writing" software for CDRs and CDRWs
UDFclient is a userland implementation of the UDF filingsystem as defined by the OSTA group. UDFclient is designed to be a study platform and a run-up to a full read and write kernel level implementation.
Файловые системы Windows и средства для работы с ними |
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Captive NTFS
Captive NTFS implements the first full read/write free access to NTFS disk drives. You can mount your Microsoft Windows NT, 200x or XP partition as a transparently accessible volume for your GNU/Linux.
CIFS VFS is a virtual file system for Linux to allow access to servers and storage appliances compliant with the SNIA CIFS Specification version 1.0 or later. Popular servers such as Samba, Windows 2000, Windows XP and many others support this.
an Installable File System for Windows NT4, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. The driver can read both the EXT2 and EXT3 filesystems. A simple installation program makes using the driver easy
Linux FAT32 Support
FAT32 is an extension to the FAT (File Allocation Table) that allows larger partitions than FAT16 while having a normal cluster size of 4096 bytes hot
FUR filesystem
Fur is a filesystem based on FUSE which mounts a Windows CE device
(connected with the librapi2 from the synce project) onto a directory of the local filesystem in a transparent and user-friendly way.
Файловая система для Linux, которая представляет SMB-сеть в виде директорий.
SMBNetFS allows you use samba/microsoft network much like network neighborhood
in Microsoft Windows.
Logical Volume Manager for Linux |
Консольные программы |
Программы для графического режима |
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Logical Volume Manager
The Enterprise Volume Management System (EVMS) Project has the goal
of providing unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing
storage. It represents a new approach to logical volume management for Linux.
The architecture introduces a plug-in model that allows for easy expansion and
customization of various levels of volume management.
Ссылки в "Виртуальной энциклопедии""
soft-RAID |
Консольные программы |
Программы для графического режима |
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Ссылки в "Виртуальной энциклопедии""
"Linux: программные RAID-массивы"
"The Software-RAID HOWTO"
Распределенные и кластерные файловые системы |
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an advanced networked filesystem
Fast Secure File System
FSFS is a secure, distributed, scalable, user-space file system that exports
existing directories securely over the network, letting users store and
retrieve encrypted data in a transparent way. FSFS is written as a pair of user
space daemons that act as clients and servers.
File Exchange Daemon: a replicating filesystem for disconnected computers similar
to intermezzo (and not so similar to coda). The main design goal for fex was to provide a system which is easy to install and configure.
Sistina's Global File System: a clustered file system for Linux that allows multiple servers on a storage area network (SAN) to have read/write access to a single file system on shared SAN devices
GFS (Red Hat Global File System)
GFS: The Global File System
GFS (Global File System) is a cluster file system. It allows a cluster of computers to simultaneously use a block device that is shared between them (with FC, iSCSI, NBD, etc...). GFS reads and writes to the block device like a local filesystem, but also uses a lock module to allow the computers coordinate their I/O so filesystem consistency is maintained.
Intermezzo (2002 г.)
a distributed file system with a focus on high availability. InterMezzo is an Open Source project, currently on Linux (2.2 and 2.3). A primary target of our development is to provide support for flexible replication of directories, with disconnected operation and a persistent cache.
a new distributed file-sharing system featuring fast, exhaustive searches and modest network bandwidth requirements
Lustre is a scalable, secure,
robust, highly-available cluster file system. Next-generation cluster file
system which can serve clusters with 10,000's of nodes, petabytes of storage,
move 100's of GB/sec with state of the art security and management
infrastructure. The 1.0 release of Lustre will happen early 2003 and will
target clusters up to 1,000 nodes with 100'TB's of storage
Распределенная файловая система.
OpenGFS Project
a continuation of the GPL version of the Global File System as originally started by Sistina but that later switched to a non-free license
a distributed filesystem product that offers a client-server architecture for file sharing, providing location independence, scalability and transparent migration capabilities for data
Oracle Cluster File System
SFS (self-certifying file system)
a secure, global network file system with completely decentralized control.
SFS lets you access your files from anywhere and share them with anyone, anywhere.
Anyone can set up an SFS server, and any user can access any server from any
provides client and server implementations of the 9P and 9P2000 distributed
file system protocols for Unix-based operating systems
A distributed file system. It is designed to be fail-safe through replications of files, fast and easy to install, platform independent, and to have fast recovery from crashes.
Другие файловые системы |
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Active Block I/O Scheduling System
The Active Block I/O Scheduling System (ABISS) is an extension of the hard-disk storage subsystem of Linux, whose main purpose is to provide a guaranteed reading and writing bit rate to applications. Apart from these guaranteed real-time (RT) streams, we also included multiple priorities for best-effort (BE) disk traffic.
an APPLE2 file system driver for Linux
a free AFS client implementation
ASFS filesystem driver
a filesystem driver for the Linux kernel that adds support for the Amiga SmartFileSystem. It supports both read and write, however, write support is in an early beta stage
BeOS filesystem for Linux
the BeOS filesystem (used BeOS operating system) driver for Linux 2.2.x and 2.3.x
ased on the Bonnie hard drive benchmark by Tim Bray. The most notable features that have been added are support for >2G of storage and testing operations involving thousands of files in a directory
ChunkFS Суть
проекта - в организации виртуальной файловой системы ext2 состоящей из более
мелких, полноценных (свой суперблок, метаданные и др. таблицы), но обособленных
ext2 кусков (chunk) размером несколько гигабайт.
К достоинствам подобного подхода можно отнести более высокую надежность и гибкость
(сбойный "chunk" можно перевести в режим только для чтения и выполнить fsck),
более высокую скорость проверки целостности (параллельный вызов fsck только для
сбойных "chunk"). В ChunkFS снято ограничение по установке хардлинков на
ClamFS is a FUSE-based user-space file system for Linux with on-access anti-virus file scanning through clamd daemon.
CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for acessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl. It automatically reconnects if the server times out.
Программа, которая представляет CVS-проект в виде монтируемой файловой системы.
It allows to view the versioned files as like they were ordinary files on
a disk. There is also a possibility to check in/out some files for editing.
DBFS (Database
File System)
Файловая система, которая создает дополнительный уровень абстракции над
файловой системой и заменяет стандартные диалоги открытия и сохранения
файла KDE своими. В комплект поставки входит специализированный файловый
менеджер KDBFS.
Extent File System: Silicon Graphics' early block-device filesystem, widely used on pre-6.0 versions of IRI
a Linux Security Module designed to improve integrity
of a computer running Linux by ensuring no tampering of the
file system. It can interact with TCPA hardware to provide higher levels of assurance for software and sensitive data
Ext3cow представляет собой
модификацию файловой системы ext3 с сохранением всех старых данных и истории
операций (copy-on-write, versioning file system), т.е. всегда можно посмотреть
состояние объекта ФС на любой момент времени. Ext3cow удобно использовать в
системах с высокими требованиями к сохранности данных или при необходимости
оценки прошлого состояния.
a whole slew of kernels and ext3 related bits
fdmsfs is a FUSE filesystem which can read fostex FDMS-3 volumes. When mounted, the songs (programs) appear as directories and the tracks appear as WAVE files within those directories. This allows songs to be played or mixed-down directly off the disk (e.g. using Audacity). Development was done using an FD-4 image, but it should work for the FD-8, and probably other FDMS-3 devices (e.g. VF160).
File System Translator: a set of stackable file system templates for each operating system, and a
high-level language that can describe stackable file systems in a cross-platform portable fashion. Using FiST, stackable file systems need only be described once
the first release of the FiST code generator, used to create stackable file systems out of templates and
a high-level language
a multicast file distribution system. It was originally created to add multicast install capabilities to SystemImager, but is designed as a stand-alone package. It works with entire directory heirarchies, rather than single files
The FULFS (Fuse using Large File System) is a simple hack to store and read
very large files on/from a filesystem with a small maximum file size.
The primary purpose was putting DVD-sized images on FAT32 and using them
transparently. The files are stored in the form of name.aa, name.ab, etc.
FunionFS is a union filesystem for the FUSE driver that allows a small
read-write filesystem to be superimposed on read-only media such as a CD-ROM.
It is useful for live CD distributions or systems storing files in a PROM or
a compressed filesystem such as CRAMFS.
Fusedaap is a read-only FUSE filesystem, allowing for browsing and accessing DAAP (iTunes) music shares. One possible use for fusedaap is to allow applications that don't have native DAAP support to easily access music from DAAP shares.
HFS for Linux
HFS (Hierarchical File System) patches for Linux
to implement a log-structured file system within the Linux 2.2.x kernels. LinLogFS has a filesystem-independent core that provides general services required for a log-structured file system and uses a "traditional" file system implementation to do the actual filesystem/VFS operations
LoggedFS is a fuse-filesystem which can log every operations in the filesystem (open, read, write, chmod, chown, remove, etc...). The configuration file allows to logs operations only for certains files with a regexp.
LUFS Userland Filesystem
a hybrid userspace filesystem framework supporting an indefinite number of filesystems (localfs, sshfs implemented so far) transparently for any application. It consists of a kernel module and an userspace daemon. Basicly it delegates most of the VFS calls to a specialized daemon which handles them
Non-Networked File System
Non-Networked File System
provides a consistent file system over several non-networked Unix computers (or slow networked)
is a project which aims at creating an innovative file system, whose source
code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
The major goal of this project is to provide a file system storing its data
in an SQL relational database. NOOFS is an experimental project which gives solution to the problems and limitations of the current file system.
Файловая система, которая использует в качестве хранилища данных SQL-базы
(в частности, PostgreSQL и MySQL).
an Object-Based Filesystem architecture which is part of the Lustre project. OBDFS separates the handling of storage objects, such as files or redirectors to files from the on-disk storage. This allows easy implementation of logical object drivers such as RAID, clustering, snapshots, and remote device access
ObexFS is a FUSE-based filesystem using OBEX to access the memory on mobile phones.
a portable C++ library to create and read structured storage. With a structured storage, you can store files inside another file, or you can even create complex directory tree
Parallel Virtual File System: a user-space parallel file system for use on clusters of PCs (and Beowulfs in particular). It provides transparent file striping across multiple machines and includes a shared library for use with existing binaries
a space-efficient, small, read-only filesystem for Linux and some Linux based projects. It is a block-based filesystem, that means it makes use of block (or sector) accessible storage driver (like disks, CDs, ROM drives)
SieFS is a virtual filesystem for accessing Siemens mobile phones' memory (flexmem or MultiMediaCard) from Linux. Now you can mount your phone (by datacable or IRDA) and work with it like with any other removable storage.
SpadFS is an attempt to combine features of advanced filesystems (crash recovery, fast directories, etc.) and good performance without increasing code complexity too much.
tffs is a FUSE driver that allows you to mount a hard disk from a T*PFIELD digital satellite receiver to a directory in your file system tree. Any program can access the files on your T*PFIELD disk like any other ordinary file. tffs does not support any write operations. Changing, deleting, and renaming files is not possible. tffs has only been tested with the T*PFIELD PVR4000. It may or may not work with other models.
Timpanogas Netware file system imager
a tool for migrating NetWare Servers to Linux and allows System Administrators to merge, consolidate, split, and restore collections of NetWare volumes for server consolidation and Migration
A stackable unification file system, which can appear to merge the contents of several directories (branches), while keeping their physical content separate. Unionfs is useful for unified source tree management, merged contents of split CD-ROM, merged separate software package directories, data grids, and more.
Virtual LargeFile System for LUFS
Virtual LargeFile System for LUFS is a plugin for the LUFS package which allows to write large files (4GB and more) on primitive filesystems like FAT32. The workaround is simple: the file is stored in small files (chunks) on the real filesystem using the same method and naming scheme as the split utility.
virtual800 is a FUSE-based filesystem that provides a big filesystem with big files for testing of large file transfers.
Yet Another Flash Filing System: a flash filing system optimised for NAND flash.
It is a journal-based filing system, which thus automatically provides
wear-levelling, and robustness on power failure. It also scales well (in
terms of boot time and RAM usage) for the large flash sizes we are increasingly