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Are there threading libraries? Where?

    Yes, there are several. Here are a several URLs with their individual detail. Please note that I have emailed the authors (if known) to get more information about their libraries.

Linux Threads Packages

Title: Bare-Bones Threads
Author: Christopher Neufeld [neufeld@physics.utoronto.ca]
Repositories: Documentation []

Source [ftp://caliban.physics.utoronto.ca/pub/linux/bb_threads.tar.gz]

API: Non-standard
Description: This is a very basic, bare-bones threading package which has been tested on both single-CPU and SMP Linux boxes. Clone()-based & includes demo program.
License: None
Status: Active development. Version 0.3
Title: CLthreads
Author: Pavel Krauz [kra@fsid.cvut.cz]
Repositories: Documentation []

Source [ftp://lin.fsid.cvut.cz/pub/linux/clthreads/clthreads-0.1.1.tgz]

Binary [ftp://lin.fsid.cvut.cz/pub/linux/clthreads/clthreads-0.1.1.bin.tgz]

API: POSIX 1003.1c
Description: clone()-based pthreads library, includes partial libc, POSIX 1003.1b support, example programs.
License: LGPL
Status: Active maintenance. Version 0.1.1
Title: DCEthreads
Author: Michael T. Peterson [mtp@big.aa.net]
Repositories: Documentation [http://www.aa.net/~mtp/PCthreads.html]

Source [ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/dcethreads-1.0.tar.gz]

API: POSIX 1003.4c Draft 4 (?)
Description: PCthreads (tm) is a multithreading library for Linux-based Intel systems and is based on the POSIX 1003.1c standard. The kit contains the sources for the library (libpthreads), a build environment for building both ELF and A.OUT versions of the library, and a complete set of man pages for all POSIX .1c functions.
License: GPL(? Source is included)
Status: ??? Version 1.0
Title: FSU Pthreads
Author: Frank Mueller [mueller@informatik.hu-berlin.de]
Repositories: Project Documentation [http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~mueller/projects.html]

Interface Documentation [file://ftp.cs.fsu.edu/pub/PART/publications/pthreads_interface.ps.gz]

Project Documentation mirror [http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~mueller/projects.html]

Interface Documentation mirror [http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~mueller/ftp/pub/PART/pthreads_interface.ps.Z]

Source [ftp://ftp.cs.fsu.edu/pub/PART/PTHREADS/pthreads.tar.gz]

Source mirror [http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~mueller/ftp/pub/PART/pthreads.tar.gz]

API: POSIX 1003.4a Draft 6 + Draft 10 extensions
Description: Pthreads is a C library which implements POSIX threads for SunOS 4.1.x, Solaris 2.x, SCO UNIX, FreeBSD and Linux. Used for GNU Ada Runtime; partial libc support. User-space pthreads library; used for GNU Ada Runtime; partial libc, POSIX 1003.4 support; pthreads documentation.
License: LGPL
Status: Active development. Version 2.9
Title: JKthread
Author: Jeff Koftinoff [jeffk@awinc.com]
Repositories: Documentation [http://turnercom.com/jdk/linux3.html]

Source [http://turnercom.com/jdk/jkthread-1.1.tar.gz]

API: Non-standard
Description: This is an experiment with the Linux 2.0 clone() call to implement usable kernel threads in a user program. These jkthreads have an API that has NOTHING to do with pthreads or Win32 threads or BeBox threads. Includes C++ wrappers.
License: Postcard-ware
Status: ???? Version 1.0
Title: LinuxThreads
Author: Xavier Leroy [Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr]
Repositories: Documentation [http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/linuxthreads/]

Source [ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/cristal/Xavier.Leroy/linuxthreads.tar.gz]

API: POSIX 1003.1c
Description: LinuxThreads is an implementation of the Posix 1003.1c thread package for Linux. Unlike other implementations of Posix threads, LinuxThreads provides kernel-space threads: threads are created with the new clone() system call and all scheduling is done in the kernel. Includes partial libc support & program examples.
License: LGPL
Status: Active development. Version: 0.5
Title: LWP
Author: Stephen Crane [jsc@doc.ic.ac.uk]
Repositories: Documentation [ftp://gummo.doc.ic.ac.uk/rex/lwp.ps.gz]

Source [ftp://gummo.doc.ic.ac.uk/rex/lwp.tar.gz]

API: Non-standard
Description: A small portable lightweight (user-space) process library for sun3/4, mips-ultrix, 386BSD, HP-UX and Linux. (Man pages included)
License: LGPL
Status: Active maintenance (a set of C++ wrappers is currently under development). Version ??
Title: NThreads (Numerical Threads)
Author: Thomas Radke [Thomas.Radke@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de]
Repositories: Documentation [ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/Local/informatik/linux]

Source [ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/Local/informatik/linux/nthreads.tgz]

API: Non-standard
Description: User-space threads package included with patches to Linux kernel to support kernel threading. (Includes man pages)
License: GPL (? Source is included)
Status: ???? Version ??
Title: PCthreads
Author: Michael T. Peterson [mtp@big.aa.net]
Repositories: Documentation [http://www.aa.net/~mtp/PCthreads.html]

Source [ftp://sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/pthreads-1.0.tar.gz]

API: POSIX 1003.1c
Description: User-space pthreads library; includes non-blocking select(), read(), and write(). Man pages included. Requires DCEThreads.
License: LGPL
Status: ???? Version 1.0
Title: Provenzano Pthreads
Author: Christopher A. Provenzano [proven@mit.edu]
Repositories: Documentation [http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/proven/pthreads.html]

Source [ftp://sipb.mit.edu/pub/pthreads]

Source [ftp://ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/devel/lang/c/GCC/libc-5.3.12.tar.gz]

API: POSIX 1003.1c subset (lacks thread cancellation)
Description: User-space pthreads library with thread-blocking syscalls (read, write, connect, accept, sleep, wait, etc.) and a thread-safe C library (stdio, net utilities, etc.) A separate version is distributed with Linux libc source but may not be built by default.
License: BSD style
Status: Active development. Version 1.60b5
Title: QuickThreads
Author: David Keppel [pardo@cs.washington.edu]
Repositories: Documentation [ftp://ftp.cs.washington.edu/tr/1993/05/UW-CSE-93-05-06.PS.Z]

Source [ftp://ftp.cs.washington.edu/pub/qt-002.tar.Z]

API: Non-standard
Description: A toolkit for building user-space threads packages. Please note that this is designed to facilitate building threads library packages; therefore, it omits many higher-level functions. Documentation written in PostScript.
License: BSD style
Status: Active maintenance. Version 0.0.2
Title: RexThreads
Author: Stephen Crane [jsc@doc.ic.ac.uk]
Repositories: Documentation [ftp://gummo.doc.ic.ac.uk/rex/lwp.ps.gz]

Source [ftp://gummo.doc.ic.ac.uk/rex/lwp.tar.gz]

API: Non-standard
Description: User-space threads library.
License: LGPL
Status: Active maintenance (a set of C++ wrappers is currently under development). Version ??

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