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Next: The Modem Commands Up: Using dip Previous: A Sample Script

A dip Reference

Although widely used, dip hasn't been very well documented yet. In this section, we will therefore give a reference for most of dip's commands. You can get an overview of all commands it provides by invoking dip in test mode, and entering the help command. To find out about the syntax of a command, you may enter it without any arguments; of course this does not work with commands that take no arguments.
           DIP> help
           DIP knows about the following commands:

                   databits default  dial     echo     flush
                   get      goto     help     if       init
                   mode     modem    parity   print    port
                   reset    send     sleep    speed    stopbits
                   term     wait

           DIP> echo
           Usage: echo on|off
Throughout the following, examples that display the DIP> prompt show how to enter a command in test mode, and what output it produces. Examples lacking this prompt should be taken as script excerpts.

Andrew Anderson
Thu Mar 7 23:22:06 EST 1996