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%package Directive

The %package directive is used to control the creation of subpackages. The subpackage name is derived from the first Name: tag in the spec file, followed by the name specified after the %package directive. Therefore, if the first Name: tag is:
Name: foo
and a subpackage is defined with the following %package directive:
%package bar

the subpackage name will be foo-bar.

See also: the section called The Lone Directive: %package in Chapter 13.

The %package -n Option

The -n option is used to change how RPM derives the subpackage name. When the -n option is used, the name following the %package directive becomes the complete subpackage name. Therefore, if a subpackage is defined with the following %package directive:
%package -n bar

the subpackage name will be bar.

See also: the section called -n <string> — Use <string> As the Entire Subpackage Name in Chapter 13.