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Chapter 3. Using RPM to Erase Packages

Table 3-1. rpm -e Command Syntax

rpm -e (or --erase) options pkg1pkgN
pkg1pkgN One or more installed packages
Erase-specific Options Page
--test Perform erase tests only the section called --test — Go Through the Process of Erasing the Package, But Do Not Erase It
--noscripts Do not execute pre- and post-uninstall scripts the section called --noscripts — Do Not Execute Pre- and Post-uninstall Scripts
--nodeps Do not check dependencies the section called --nodeps: Do Not Check Dependencies Before Erasing Package
General Options Page
-vv Display debugging information the section called Getting More Information With -vv
--root <path> Set alternate root to <path> the section called --root <path> — Use <path> As the Root
--rcfile <rcfile> Set alternate rpmrc file to <rcfile> the section called --rcfile <rcfile> — Read <rcfile> For RPM Defaults
--dbpath <path> Use <path> to find the RPM database the section called --dbpath <path>: Use <path> To Find RPM Database

rpm -e — What Does it Do?

The rpm -e command (--erase is equivalent) removes, or erases, one or more packages from the system. RPM performs a series of steps whenever it erases a package:

  • It checks the RPM database to make sure that no other packages depend on the package being erased.

  • It executes a pre-uninstall script (if one exists).

  • It checks to see if any of the package's config files have been modified. If so, it saves copies of them.

  • It reviews the RPM database to find every file listed as being part of the package, and if they do not belong to another package, deletes them.

  • It executes a post-uninstall script (if one exists).

  • It removes all traces of the package (and the files belonging to it) from the RPM database.

That's quite a bit of activity for a single command. No wonder RPM can be such a time-saver!