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9.6. Exercises

  • Make a backup copy of your home directory in /var/tmp using the tar command. Then further compress the file using gzip or bzip2. Make it a clean tarred file, one that doesn't make a mess when unpacking.

  • Format a floppy and put some files from your home directory on it. Switch floppies with another trainee and recover his/her floppy in your home directory.

  • DOS format the floppy. Use the mtools to put and delete files on it.

  • What happens to an unformatted floppy when you want to mount it into the file system?

  • If you have any USB storage, try to put a file on it.

  • Using rsync, make a copy of your home directory to another local or remote file system.

  • When leaving files on a network server, it's best to encrypt them. Make a tar archive of your home directory and encrypt it.