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The Unix style of documentation (and documentation tools) has several technical and cultural traits that set it apart from the way documentation is done elsewhere. Understanding these signature traits first will create context for you to understand why the programs and the practice look the way they do, and why the documentation reads the way it does.

Unix documentation tools have always been designed primarily for the challenges involved in composing large and complex documents. Originally it was patent applications and paperwork; later it was scientific and technical papers, technical documentation of all sorts. Consequently, most Unix developers learned to love markup-centered documentation tools. Unlike the PC users of the time, the Unix culture was unimpressed with WYSIWYG word processors when they became generally available in the late 1980s and early 1990s — and even among today's younger Unix hackers it is still unusual to find anyone who really prefers them.

Dislike of opaque binary document formats — and especially of opaque proprietary binary formats — also played a part in the rejection of WYSIWYG tools. On the other hand, Unix programmers seized on PostScript (the now-standard language for controlling imaging printers) with enthusiasm as soon as the language documentation became available; it fits neatly in the Unix tradition of domain-specific languages. Modern open-source Unix systems have excellent PostScript and Portable Document Format (PDF) tools.

Another consequence of this history is that Unix documentation tools have tended to have relatively weak support for including images, but strong support for diagrams, tables, graphing, and mathematical typesetting — the sorts of things often needed in technical papers.

The Unix attachment to markup-centered systems has often been caricatured as a prejudice or a troglodyte trait, but it is not really anything of the kind. Just as the putatively ‘primitive’ CLI style of Unix is in many ways better adapted to the needs of power users than GUIs, the markup-centered design of tools like troff(1) is a better fit for the needs of power documenters than are WYSIWYG programs.

The large-document bias in Unix tradition did not just keep Unix developers attached to markup-based formatters like troff, it also made them interested in structural markup. The history of Unix document tools is one of lurching, muddled, and erratic movement in a general direction away from presentation markup and toward structural markup. In mid-2003 this journey is not yet over, but the end is distantly in sight.

The development of the World Wide Web meant that the ability to render documents in multiple media (or, at least, for both print and HTML display) became the central challenge for documentation tools after about 1993. At the same time, even ordinary users were, under the influence of HTML, becoming more comfortable with markup-centered systems. This led directly to an explosion of interest in structural markup and the invention of XML after 1996. Suddenly the old-time Unix attachment to markup-centered systems started looking prescient rather than reactionary.

Today, in mid-2003, most of the leading-edge development of XML-based documentation tools using structural markup is taking place under Unix. But, at the same time, the Unix culture has yet to let go of its older tradition of presentation-level markup systems. The creaking, clanking, armor-plated dinosaur that is troff has only partly been displaced by HTML and XML.

Most software documentation is written by technical writers for the least-common-denominator ignorant — the knowledgeable writing for the knowledgeless. The documentation that ships with Unix systems has traditionally been written by programmers for their peers. Even when it is not peer-to-peer documentation, it tends to be influenced in style and format by the enormous mass of programmer-to-programmer documentation that ships with Unix systems.

The difference this makes can be summed up in one observation: Unix manual pages traditionally have a section called BUGS. In other cultures, technical writers try to make the product look good by omitting and skating over known bugs. In the Unix culture, peers describe the known shortcomings of their software to each other in unsparing detail, and users consider a short but informative BUGS section to be an encouraging sign of quality work. Commercial Unix distributions that have broken this convention, either by suppressing the BUGS section or euphemizing it to a softer tag like LIMITATIONS or ISSUES or APPLICATION USAGE, have invariably fallen into decline.

Where most other software documentation tends to to oscillate between incomprehensibility and oversimplifying condescension, classic Unix documentation is written to be telegraphic but complete. It does not hold you by the hand, but it usually points in the right direction. The style assumes an active reader, one who is able to deduce obvious unsaid consequences of what is said, and who has the self-confidence to trust those deductions.

Unix programmers tend to be good at writing references, and most Unix documentation has the flavor of a reference or aide memoire for someone who thinks like the document-writer but is not yet an expert at his or her software. The results often look much more cryptic and sparse than they actually are. Read every word carefully, because whatever you want to know will probably be there, or deducible from what's there. Read every word carefully, because you will seldom be told anything twice.